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Easytech4all.com by Mind Map: Easytech4all.com

1. Learning Management System

1.1. elibrary/Educational Archives

1.2. Mobile & Online Classroom

1.3. Online Educational Material

1.4. Interactive Learning tools & presentation

1.5. Mind Mapping/SmartArt/SmartDraw Techniques

2. Business Applications

2.1. Business & Finance Applications

2.2. Create Accounts & Business Reports

2.3. Collaborate over office docs & Accounts

2.4. Resource planning & Mgmt

3. Online Web Communication

3.1. Mobile Comm of the next level

3.2. Smartphones

3.3. Tablets

3.4. Laptops

4. Software/Application/Resources

4.1. Software customization(online & offline)

4.2. Flash Cards/Optical Discs

4.3. Smartphones

4.4. Personal Computers/Tablets

5. IT Consultancy

5.1. Online Web Soln

5.2. Website Designing

5.3. Social Media Mktg

5.4. Cloud Services

5.5. Viral Mktg

5.6. Learning Management Sys

5.7. Software/Application Development

6. Entrepreneurial Innovation & Business Consultancy

6.1. Technological Innovation & Implementation

6.2. State of art & workable technology application

6.3. New Ideas/Concepts/Brainstorming

6.4. Feasibility analysis

7. Integration of Technology in Personal & Professional Lives

7.1. Manage & Organise the World around U

7.2. Home Management

7.3. Office & Accounts Management

7.4. Health Management

7.5. News & Info Management

7.6. Social Relationship Management

7.7. Digital data & Resources Management

7.8. Financial Management