ATL We have 5 broad skill areas shared with PYP-MYP-DP

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ATL We have 5 broad skill areas shared with PYP-MYP-DP by Mind Map: ATL      We have 5 broad skill areas shared with PYP-MYP-DP

1. social skill organiser

1.1. Communication cluster

1.1.1. Use active listening techniques to understand others.

1.1.2. Give and receive appropriate feedback.

1.1.3. Interpret meaning through cultural understanding.

1.1.4. Use a variety of speaking techniques to make meaning clear for different audiences and purposes.

1.1.5. Use appropriate forms of writing for different purposes and audiences.

1.1.6. Use a variety of media to present to an audience.

1.1.7. Interpret non-verbal communication techniques and use them purposefully.

1.1.8. Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers.

1.1.9. Actively participate in, and contribute to, social media networks.

1.1.10. Interact with peers, experts or others, employing a variety of digital environments and media.

1.1.11. Collaborate with peers, experts or others, employing a variety of digital environments and media.

1.1.12. Publish media with peers, experts or others, employing a variety of digital environments and media.

1.1.13. Read critically and for comprehension.

1.1.14. Read a variety of sources for information and for pleasure.

1.1.15. Make inferences and draw conclusions.

1.1.16. Use and interpret a range of content-specific terminology.

1.1.17. Write for different purposes.

1.1.18. Accurately paraphrase.

1.1.19. Practice text skimming and speed-reading strategies

1.1.20. Make effective notes in class

1.1.21. Make effective summary notes for studying.

1.1.22. Use structural writing planners for different academic writing tasks.

1.1.23. Find information for all school subjects in different media.

1.2. Collaboration cluster

1.2.1. Respect differences in culture, opinion, point of view, idea, or belief.

1.2.2. Practice empathy for others

1.2.3. Use social media networks to appropriately build and develop relationships.

1.2.4. Practice delegating authority

1.2.5. Help others to create success for themselves

1.2.6. Take responsibility for own actions.

1.2.7. Resolve conflicts and work collaboratively with appropriate roles in a team.

1.2.8. Practice building consensus

1.2.9. Practice making decisions based on fairness and equality

1.2.10. Practice listening to others

1.2.11. Practice negotiating sympathetically

1.2.12. Practice encouraging others to contribute.

1.2.13. Practice leadership

1.2.14. Contribute to project teams

1.2.15. Practice giving and receiving feedback

1.2.16. Practice taking responsibility for own actions

1.3. Affective skills cluster

1.3.1. Mindfulness Practice focus and concentration Practice strategies to develop mental quiet Practice strategies to overcome distractions

1.3.2. Perseverance Demonstrate persistence and perseverance Practice delaying gratification

1.3.3. Emotional Management Practice strategies to overcome impulsiveness and anger Practice strategies for dealing with bullying Practice strategies for reducing anxiety

1.3.4. Self-Motivation Practice changing attributions made for causes of failure or setbacks Practice managing internal self-talk Practice positive thinking

1.3.5. Resilience Practice strategies of ‘bouncing back’ after adversity Practice taking responsibility for all own actions Practice owning up to mistakes Practice making changes to behaviours where needed

1.4. Reflection cluster

1.4.1. Develop awareness of the processes of effective learning

1.4.2. Identify strengths and weaknesses of learning strategies used to date

1.4.3. Identify gaps in the ATL skill set

1.4.4. Learn new skills, techniques and strategies of effective learning

1.4.5. Try out new learning processes and gather feedback on their effectiveness

1.4.6. Continually make process changes to improve learning effectiveness

1.4.7. Consider subject matter learned over a specific time period from the point of view of ‘what don’t I understand yet?” and formulate questions to ask

1.4.8. Consider ATL skills practiced over a specific time periods from the point of view of individual self-assessment of own competency in each skill

1.4.9. Consider learning strategies employed both within and outside the classroom from the point of view of effectiveness for the individual learner

1.4.10. Build up a profile of effective learning techniques and strategies for each individual

1.4.11. Consider ethical, cultural and environmental implications of issues.

1.4.12. Consider personal relationships to people, ideas and concepts.

1.4.13. Use regular journaling to keep a record of reflections

1.5. PYP Headings

1.5.1. Accepting responsiblity

1.5.2. Respecting others

1.5.3. Cooperating

1.5.4. Resolving conflict

1.5.5. Group descision making

1.5.6. adopting a variety of group roles

2. communication skill organiser

2.1. Collaboration cluster

2.1.1. Read critically and for comprehension.

2.1.2. Read a variety of sources for information and for pleasure.

2.1.3. Make inferences and draw conclusions.

2.1.4. Use and interpret a range of content-specific terminology.

2.1.5. Write for different purposes.

2.1.6. Accurately paraphrase.

2.1.7. Practice text skimming and speed-reading strategies

2.1.8. Make effective notes in class

2.1.9. Make effective summary notes for studying.

2.1.10. Use structural writing planners for different academic writing tasks.

2.1.11. Find information for all school subjects in different media.

2.2. Communication cluster

2.2.1. Use active listening techniques to understand others.

2.2.2. Give and receive appropriate feedback.

2.2.3. Interpret meaning through cultural understanding.

2.2.4. Use a variety of speaking techniques to make meaning clear for different audiences and purposes.

2.2.5. Use appropriate forms of writing for different purposes and audiences.

2.2.6. Use a variety of media to present to an audience.

2.2.7. Interpret non-verbal communication techniques and use them purposefully.

2.2.8. Negotiate ideas and knowledge with peers and teachers.

2.2.9. Actively participate in, and contribute to, social media networks.

2.2.10. Interact with peers, experts or others, employing a variety of digital environments and media.

2.2.11. Collaborate with peers, experts or others, employing a variety of digital environments and media.

2.2.12. Publish media with peers, experts or others, employing a variety of digital environments and media.

2.3. PYP headings

2.3.1. Listening

2.3.2. Spealing

2.3.3. reading

2.3.4. writing

2.3.5. viewing

2.3.6. presentation

2.3.7. non verbal communication

3. self-management skill organiser

3.1. Organisation cluster

3.2. Affective Skills cluster

4. thinking skill organiser

4.1. Critical Thinking cluster

4.1.1. Practice observing carefully in order to recognize problems Use prioritization and order of precedence in problem solving Gather and marshal relevant information Recognize unstated assumptions and values Comprehend and use language with accuracy, clarity, and discernment Interpret data Appraise evidence Evaluate arguments Recognize the existence (or absence) of logical relationships between propositions Draw justifiable conclusions and generalizations Test the conclusions and generalizations drawn Make changes to patterns of belief or thought on the basis of conclusions drawn Render accurate judgments

4.1.2. Identify problems and develop aims, goals and objectives

4.1.3. Formulate provocative and relevant questions

4.1.4. Consider ideas from multiple perspectives

4.1.5. Develop contrary arguments.

4.1.6. Break down large concepts and projects into component parts and combine parts logically, as appropriate.

4.1.7. Identify different points of view and bias.

4.1.8. Identify obstacles and challenges to the solution of problems.

4.1.9. Use deductive and inductive reasoning, as appropriate.

4.1.10. Make logical, reasoned judgments and create arguments to support them.

4.1.11. Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues. (1c)

4.1.12. Identify trends and forecast possibilities. (1d)

4.1.13. Troubleshoot systems and applications. (6c)

4.2. Creativity and Innovation cluster

4.3. Reflection cluster

4.4. Transfer cluster

4.4.1. Utilize effective learning strategies in a variety of subject contexts.

4.4.2. Apply skills and knowledge in unfamiliar situations.

4.4.3. Inquire in different contexts to gain a different perspective.

4.4.4. Compare conceptual understanding across multiple subject areas

4.4.5. Make connections between learning gained in different subject areas.

4.4.6. Combine knowledge, understanding and skills across subjects to create products or solutions.

4.4.7. Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies. (6d)

4.4.8. Change the context of an inquiry to gain different perspectives.

4.5. PYP Headings

4.5.1. Acquisition to Knowlwedge

4.5.2. Comprehension

4.5.3. Application

4.5.4. Analysis

4.5.5. Synthesis

4.5.6. Evaluation

4.5.7. Diadactical thought

4.5.8. Metacognition

5. research skill organiser

5.1. Information Literacy cluster

5.2. Media Literacy cluster