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Group by Mind Map: Group

1. Needs. How can we fulfill them?

1.1. To get inside of how to conduct Design Researh

1.1.1. Developing a good and rich blog with relevant activities and reading material

1.1.2. Get in contact with experts, here their stories

1.2. Have a rich understanding of DR

1.2.1. Get to a good definition of Design Research at the end of the course

1.3. To do a showcase

2. Opportunities . How can we exploit them?

2.1. Motivation to know more about DR

2.2. A common place to share our experience

2.3. Access to experts and practitioners

2.3.1. Interview them. Do the transcription and bold relevant quotes that help with the learning process (relevant features, addressing difficulties, etc)

2.3.2. Have a session with M. Doorman (one of the authors of our inspiring example) so we can see how the pragmatic part (designing) can be combined with the theoretical one (deriving local theory)

2.4. Have an end product which brings us to a first experience with designing a tool to share.

2.5. Have access to techology

2.5.1. Build a blog as a tool to share and learn

2.6. Participants with different backgrounds, different ideas, and different mindsets.

2.6.1. It gives a rich view + understanding of DR

3. Constraints. How can we satisfy them?

3.1. Time

3.2. Language

3.3. Difficulties with sharing ideas

3.4. Inexperienced in DR

3.4.1. Have access to good literature (look in our blog, at the end is the with all the literature)

3.4.2. Have direct access to experts

4. Challenges. How can we address them?

4.1. Learn in short time

4.1.1. Work hard

4.1.2. Work in groups

4.2. Do interview having no experience

4.2.1. Have them predesigned

4.2.2. Open ended questions

4.3. Synergy