
Types of assessment in education.

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Assessments by Mind Map: Assessments

1. Authentic Assessment

1.1. Part of child's ongoing life and learning.

1.1.1. Children must perform tasks that are related to real world situations. Example: Keeping a journal of their life. Writing about a current issue and giving solutions.

2. Formative Assessment

2.1. Gathering information which is used to shape and improve future instruction.

2.1.1. Done multiple times per day. Example: Ask question about what they learned from the day's lesson. It will track their understanding and allow the teacher to see what needs covered again or reviewed. Allows for changes to be made to instruction in order to improve student learning.

3. Summative Assessment

3.1. Determines the effectiveness of unit, program, grade level, etc.

3.1.1. Done at the end of a project or period of time. Example: After a grade level, administer a test over basic knowledge and skills that should have been learned over the past school year. Does not allow for the teacher to know what needs to be covered more. It is already too late to fix it.

3.1.2. Normally given as a standardized test.

4. Performance Assessment

4.1. It is where children demonstrate a skill or create a product that shows their learning.

4.1.1. Example: Instead of a multiple choice test the stundents would create something like a story or poster then demonstrate knowledge by presenting it to the class. This assessment will probably use some class time.

5. Alternative Assesssment

5.1. Any type of assessment other than standardized tests.

5.1.1. Example: Having students do a group project about a time period in history that was covered in class. This type of assessment is good for students who struggle with test-taking.