Choices and Consequences

Considering the pros and cons of spending, saving and borrowing decisions

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Choices and Consequences por Mind Map: Choices and Consequences

1. Buy now

1.1. satisfy your heart's desire

1.2. keep up to date with the fashions

1.3. What you want may be more expensive later

1.4. some items are worth buying as an investment now, e.g., a computer to help with your work or job search

2. Wait til later

2.1. get a bargain in the sales

2.2. boring

2.3. take time to shop around for discounts

2.3.1. New node

2.4. You needs may change and you find you don't need it

3. Saving

3.1. Save for a rainy day

3.2. Saving up for something you want

3.3. Sensible and wise

3.4. Boring

3.5. Low return for your money

3.6. Pension benefits

3.7. Possibility of buying something better later

4. Borrowing

4.1. You have to pay for it sometime

4.2. It can make you look at what's out there

4.3. May grab a bargain

4.4. Add value now for a greater return later

4.5. borrowing from family members can create significant tensions

4.6. large purchases, e.g., house are really only possible by borrowing. Borrowing allows spreading the cost over time

5. Teaching children bad habits