by johnrellloyd garcia
1.1. Theory of Scientific Management (frederick Taylor) Four Principles of Scientific management A. Training B. Support C.Motivation D. supervision
2. 2. Administrative Management
2.1. *Theory (Henri Fayol) * Fayolism Principles A. Division of work B. Discipline C. Authority and Responsibility D. Subordination of Individual Interes to general Interest E. Remuneration F. Centrelizeation G. Order H. Equity I. inititave J. Espirit de Corps k. Stability of tenure L. unity of direction M. Scalar chain N. Unity of Command
3. 3. Bureucratic Theory of Managaement (Max weber) 4.Behavioral theory of Management(Elton Mayo) 5. chaos Theory *Change is constant: complexity grows 6. Systems theory * Tools: system/parts 7. Contingency * Based on situation: plan b 8. Theory X and Theory Y *reward: punishmet
4.1. 1.1910'S - 1940'S *Management as Science 2.1950's - 1960's *Functional Organizations 3. 1970's * Stategic Planning 4.1980's *Competitive Advantages 5.1990's *Process Optimisation 6.2000's *Big Data