1.1. Written Law
1.1.1. Referred to as statue law Federal Constituition - Undang2 yg trtinggi dluluskan slps hari merdeka State Constituition - Undang2 dbuat d parlimen blh dgunakan d seluruh msia Subsidiary Legislation - Pngisytiharaan , peraturan , perintah ,pemberitahuan , undang2 kecil yg dbuat dbwh nama ordinance , enactment
1.2. Unwritten Law
1.2.1. Tdk dtetapkan oleh parliment @ dewan undangan negeri English Law - Sbb dlu djajah oleh british Judicial Precedent - Kputusan yg dbuat oleh hakm sebelum ini dlm kes lain dlm fakta yg sama
2. Malaysia Court System
2.1. single-structured judicial
2.1.1. superior courts - high court - court of appeal - federal court
2.2. subordinate courts
2.2.1. - magistrate's courts - sessions court
2.3. federal court
2.3.1. Is the highest judicial authority and the final court of appeal in Malaysia.
2.3.2. - kehakiman tertinggi dan kehakiman rayuan terakhir di malaysia. - ketua hakim - presiden mahkamah rayuan - 2 ketua hakim mahkamah tinggi di malaya & sabah dan sarawak - 7 hakim lain
2.4. court of appeal
2.4.1. A Chairman styled as the President of the Court of Appeal and 10 other judges.
2.4.2. jurisdiction Hear & determine civil appeals for cases where the amount of the subject matter of the claim is at least RM250,00.
2.5. sessions court
2.5.1. exception Matters relating to:- i. Immovable property, ii. Specific performance / recession of contracts. iii. Injunction iv. Probate and administration of estates. v. Divorce (for non-muslim). vi. Bankruptcy. vii. Accounts.
3. Constitutional Law -Hak individu di negara ini. -cth: ketuanan parlimen, hak kewarganegaraan -meliputi kawasan dgn kuasa negeri & persekutuan
4. International Law
5. Layman - A general rule of conduct Oxford English Dictionary - Body of enacted or customary rules recognized by a community as binding(terikat) Sir John Salmond - the body of principles recognized and applied by the state in the administration of justice (diiktiraf & ditetapkan olh kerajaan dlm pentadbiran yg adil) John Austin - a command set by a superior being to an inferior being and enforced by sanctions (punishments). (satu perintah yang ditetapkan oleh seorang atasan kepada org bawahan dan dikuatkuasakan oleh sekatan (hukuman)
6. LAW ?
7. Classification Law
7.1. Public Law (individuals of state)
7.2. Private Law
7.2.1. Tort Law - Obligation imposed by law Trust Law - Equitable obligation Contract Law - Based on agreement