Sometimes it is necessary to have rebellion because if you don't get what you want then I'm sure ...

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Sometimes it is necessary to have rebellion because if you don't get what you want then I'm sure you're gonna want to fight for it by Mind Map: Sometimes it is necessary to have rebellion because if you don't get what you want then I'm sure you're gonna want to fight for it

1. People fight for what they believe in

1.1. An example of this is how people will fight for what they waant

1.2. In my opinion I think people should fight for what they want because not everyone has the same rights

1.3. Like how the world is today,people fight for what they want, like people fighting for everyone to have equal right

2. There are others who fight the other people for not agreeing with them

2.1. For example people fight others just because they want everyone wanting the same rights