The concept of revolution is often justified as a necessary precaution for change in society. How...

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The concept of revolution is often justified as a necessary precaution for change in society. However it is quite possible to usurp power diplomatically. by Mind Map: The concept of revolution is often justified as a necessary precaution for change in society. However it is quite possible to usurp power diplomatically.

1. Corruption

1.1. Xinhai Revolution

1.2. The Xinhai Revolution, was avoidable if one of the generals (hungry for power) had not gone and killed the current people in change of government reform thus the collapse of the imperialism of china..

1.3. It was confirmed in a autopsy dont recently that there were in fact high levels of arsenic within his body, the chances are he was poisoned by Yuan Shikai whom later was put into power due to the empire's death.

2. Mob Mentality

2.1. People are impacient