Exam Preparation

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Exam Preparation by Mind Map: Exam Preparation

1. Sleep

1.1. Having a good nights

1.1.1. lead to consolidate what you study increase my retention set me up nicely for the next day

2. Diet

2.1. lead to

2.1.1. have energy

2.1.2. retain i have studies and not

3. Stay Calm

3.1. lead to

3.1.1. don not panic

3.1.2. remember to breathe

3.1.3. remind yourself that you are prepared

4. Get Help

4.1. by

4.1.1. asking my teacher

4.1.2. my family and friends

5. Relax Post-Exam

5.1. because of

5.1.1. worrying will not change my score

6. Do Not Rush

6.1. so

6.1.1. work through the exam slowly

7. Exam Format

7.1. know the layout of the exam

7.1.1. lead to Know How much time should i allocate to each question? Know How many sections? Know How many questions do i need to answer?

8. The night before

8.1. ensure i have everything ready for the morning

8.2. relax and sleep easy

9. On the day

9.1. have a good breakfast

9.2. arrive early and give myself plenty of time

9.3. relax and remember to read the questions carefully and outline my answers

10. Revise fequently

11. Use flow charts and diagrams

12. Start practice with time

13. Practice old exam papers

14. Review my preferences