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Assessment by Mind Map: Assessment

1. Result of learning

1.1. What have we learnt?

1.2. How will we know what we have learnt?

2. Stressful

2.1. Revision

2.2. Preparation

2.3. Pressure

3. Formative or summative?

3.1. Assessment strategies

3.1.1. Must take into account diverse and complex understanding

3.1.2. Self-assessment

3.1.3. Observations

3.1.4. Performance assessment

3.1.5. Process-focussed

3.1.6. Selected response

3.1.7. Open-ended tasks

3.2. Practical or written?

3.2.1. Conventional

3.2.2. Unconventional

3.3. Assessment tools

3.3.1. Rubrics

3.3.2. Exemplars

3.3.3. Checklists

3.3.4. Anecdotal records

3.3.5. Continuums

4. Pre-assessment

4.1. What do we already know?

4.2. Are we ready for assessment?

4.2.1. Consider student inquiries

4.2.2. Are students mastering skills?

4.2.3. Are students working independently?

5. Marking

5.1. Appropriate marking

5.1.1. Out-of-ten score

5.1.2. Letters

5.1.3. Percentage

5.1.4. Comment

5.2. Analytical and holistic

6. Who is the assessment for?

6.1. Teachers

6.2. Parents

6.3. Students

6.4. Administrators

7. Recording

7.1. Portfolios?

8. Reporting

8.1. Student reflection?

8.2. Report cards

8.3. Involve parents

8.4. Conferences