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Holocaust by Mind Map: Holocaust

1. On jews in EU

1.1. Homeless

1.2. Refugee Crisis

1.3. Jewish brigade group

1.4. Survivors

1.5. Palestine

1.6. 45,000

1.7. Great Britain

2. Rise of Nazi Germany

2.1. Hitler appointed chancelor

2.2. Kristallnacht

2.2.1. 7500 shops

2.3. Volksgemeinschaft

2.4. Gemeinschaftsfremde

2.5. Jewish Emigration

2.6. Allies

2.7. Pogroms

2.8. Extermination Camps

2.9. Propaganda

2.10. Territory

3. Gypsies

3.1. 220,000

3.2. Samudaripen

3.3. No Recreation Areas

3.3.1. Swimming Pool

3.3.2. Park

3.4. Criminals&Spies

3.5. Lowly Race

3.6. Year 1936

3.7. Lab Rats

3.8. Gemeinschaftsfremde

3.9. Lebensunwertes Leben

3.10. Sterilization

3.11. Euthanasia

4. Laws against Jews

4.1. Nuremberg Laws

4.1.1. Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour No cross marriage No Cross Sex No German Female Employed under 45 No showing Reich Colors, show only Jewish flag and colors No show of Reich flag and colors, show only jewish

4.1.2. "Aryanization"

4.1.3. Reich Citizenship Law Citizenship Certificate No jews in Family - German Only reich citizen has full rights

4.1.4. School

4.1.5. Army

4.1.6. Gun Law

4.1.7. Economic Life Business closed Aryanization

4.1.8. Name Sarah Israel

5. Auschwitz

5.1. Gas Chambers

5.2. Jews

5.3. Death

5.4. Labour

5.5. Bad Life Conditions

5.6. Massacre

5.7. The Angel of Death

5.8. 1.1 Million

5.9. Secret

5.10. Zyclon B

5.11. Trains

5.12. Roma

5.13. Mentally Ill

5.14. Homosexuals