Enduring Question: What are you willing to fight for?

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Enduring Question: What are you willing to fight for? por Mind Map: Enduring Question: What are you willing to fight for?

1. Hunger Games

1.1. family

1.2. love

1.3. friends

1.4. life

1.5. equality

2. Uglies

2.1. freedom

2.2. autonomy

3. Hoot

3.1. family

3.1.1. Mullett Fingers and Beatrice

3.2. friends

3.2.1. Roy and Beatrice, Roy and school friends

3.3. environment

3.3.1. burrowing owls

4. The Call of the Wild

4.1. freedom

4.2. life

5. Wrinkle in Time

5.1. family

5.2. love

5.3. faith

6. To Kill a Mockingbird

6.1. equality

6.2. family