European Exploration of North America

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European Exploration of North America by Mind Map: European Exploration of North America

1. Which land did John Cabot claim and for what country?

1.1. John Cabot was an Italian who claimed what is now called Canada for England

1.2. Before any other explorer, he thought he had reached Asia.

2. Which countries dominated early exploration?

2.1. Portugal and Spain were the first two countries to claim their share in America.

2.2. Soon England, France, and the Netherlands joined in as well.

3. Which land did Giovanni da Verrazano claim and for what country?

3.1. Verrazano was an Italian who claimed the East cost of north america for France.

3.2. This was the first claimed land for France.

4. What was the Columbia exchange?

4.1. Christopher Columbus' discovery gave contact to the new world and old world.

4.2. The Columbus exchange made people be able to trade with the new and old world.