by Stephanie Tolmie

1. Desert
2. Mountains
3. Polar
4. The Seashore
4.1. Science
4.1.1. float or sink?
4.1.2. shell observations
4.1.3. living and non-living things
4.2. Social Studies
4.2.1. sea occupations
4.2.2. animal homes
4.2.3. endangered animals
4.3. Fine Arts
4.3.1. dramatic Play
4.3.2. make a seashore habitat
4.4. Language and Literacy
4.4.1. children's literature
4.4.2. print awareness
4.4.3. dramatic Play
4.4.4. journal writing
4.5. Math
4.5.1. patterning
4.5.2. sorting
4.5.3. number Operations
4.5.4. counting
4.6. Physical Development, Health, and Safety
4.6.1. water and sun safety
4.7. Social/Emotional
4.7.1. cooperation
4.7.2. self regulation