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MOUNTAINS Year.3 by Mind Map: MOUNTAINS Year.3

1. Here students learn about the five different kinds of mountains. First, the class watch these videos:

2. Here students recap their understanding of the world. Firstly they watch this video: whilst looking at a world map online. Teacher discusses with class.

3. Here pupils locate key mountain ranges on a world map. They are successful if they can use a key (on worksheet above) and can explain the position of m the ranges using directions, directional language and continents.

4. Here pupils will consider the positive and negative effects of tourism on the Himalayas. They will record their information in a table (see above).

5. Here pupils enquire how people use mountains in different ways to meet their needs. Ideas are recorded in a spider diagram.

6. Here students enquire and explain what a Mountain is whilst identifying their similarities/differences and the key features.

7. Next, teacher discusses the five kinds of mountains with pupils. Folded: Dome: Fault-Block Plateau and Volcanic This is done alongside showing the power point.

8. In the main activity, children complete an information leaflet about the five types of mountains. Children work individually on mixed ability tables to complete the exercise.

9. SEN and EAL children will receive scaffolded support when writing text in the leaflets. GT learners will use IPads and non-fiction text books to source extra information on the 5 types of Mountains as an extension activity : Log in - Oddizzi ( website for extension activity. Children can source more information here).

10. (N,C 2013) states that students should learn about knowledge of the worlds natural environment, and the skills being acquired are: describe and understand the key aspects of mountains/physical geography. Cross curricular learning is with English, and assessment will be done by questioning and marking the leaflets.

11. Using atlases, globes, maps pupils locate the continents, oceans, and a variety of countries in that order. They will additionally label the map with 8 point compass directions,

12. The amount of information being found is differentiated in volume according to ability. GT/HA (gifted talented/higher ability) students locate more Countries and SEN learners focus on locating and naming the continents and oceans. Children will work in mixed ability pairs.

13. The focus of this lesson is to give students a good base upon which to begin their study of mountains. The (N,C 2013) states that pupils should develop their geographical knowledge of location by using atlases maps and globes. The skills being learned in this lesson are: use maps/atlases to locate continents and countries, and use a compass to give directions.

14. The plenary will consist of this game: Europe Map Match Game - By

15. Teacher explains that a mountain is an area of land which rises at least 600 metres above sea level. Students are shown the worksheet (see above) and asked which features they can label. Teacher then discusses the features with the class and checks to see if students guesses are correct.

16. Firstly the pupils draw a picture of what they think a mountain looks like. Next, pictures of mountains are shown and discussion occurs on their similarities /differerences. What words can they use to describe them?

17. In the main activity students label 6 key features on a diagram (see worksheet).

18. GT/HA students also label the image, but as an extension will provide additional descriptions of mountainous features, using their I Pads and this website:

19. EAL and SEN children work with scaffolded text (see above). They will cut out and stick text boxes on their diagram. This can be amended depending on children's level of ability. This lesson is cross curricular with English. The geographical skills being learned here are: using geographical language, understand the different aspects of mountains/physical geography and understand geographical differences and similarities.

20. First, students are shown images of mountains and the different ways they are used. Then children are asked how they would like to use mountains (talk partners and class discuss).

21. Teacher models how to use a spider diagram and explains that in today's lesson we are making enquiries into the different uses of mountains using a spider diagram to record our findings.

22. Working in mixed ability pairs pupils research (Using IPads and Kidrex), the different ways that mountains are used. EAL/SEN children can use a selection of images on their spider diagram (if required), with minimal words explaining how people use mountains.

23. GT students can work independently (if desired) whilst defining additional uses of mountains whilst simultaneously describing such uses in greater detail.

24. This lesson has cross curricular links with ICT and English. Geographical skill being learned: describe and understand key aspects of land use.

25. Students use atlases/maps and globes to locate the key mountain ranges. Teacher will mostly work with SEN students, and TA will work the EAL and MA learners. GT (gifted and talented) students will provide further detailed information on the location of the ranges using countries to describe.

26. First, we will look at these links and discuss: Interesting facts about the Himalayas | Just Fun Facts and and finally before clarifying and discussing the precise locations of the mountain ranges using this powerpoint: (KEY MOUNTAIN RANGES) before proceeding to the main activity. Students work independently, on mixed ability tables.

27. The (NC,2013) states that the geographical skills the children should be learning are; using maps, atlases, globes; and describing geographical features using directional terminology.

28. The plenary, teacher assesses class by asking questions like: The Himalayas are located to the ? of Asia- The Andes are located to the ? of South America- Children answer individually using WB (white board).

29. Next, they will be shown this Power point presentation (see link). Then I discuss the different ways that mountains are formed.

30. Main independent activity pupils work on mixed ability tables and describe the various steps of how fold mountains are formed. Some students (such as SEN/EAL) can label diagram (see template above). They will receive supported help from teacher.

31. SEN groups will draw the images showing the stages that the mountains are formed. They can additionally use number sequences or small amounts of text input if possible (dependent upon ability). Full teacher support given whilst completing exercise.

32. In the extension GT (gifted talented) students research additional information (using non- fiction text- books) on where alternative fold mountain ranges are located and write descriptions of locations, using countries.

33. The geographical skills as stated in the NC declare that pupils should be equipped with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical processes. Cross curricular learning includes English.

34. Here students will learn how mountains are formed. First pupils watch this video:

35. This lesson is primarily geography based but includes cross -curricular learning with English and PSHE. Which states in the (NC, 2013) that students should consider their role in caring for the environment.

36. Firstly the class watch this video: Mountain Tourism then they will discuss in talk partners and we discuss as a whole class the advantages and disadvantages of tourism.

37. Working in mixed ability pairs the students will use the worksheet to list the pros and cons.

38. EAL and SEN students will work with an adult and use images and simplified text to describe the positive and negative effects of tourism. GT children will write a paragraph in greater detail, giving reasons and justifications to compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages.

39. (N,C 2013) States that the skill the students should be learning is how to describe and understand key aspects of mountains and their land use.

40. 1

41. Lesson 1

42. Lesson 2

43. Lesson 3

44. Lesson 4

45. Lesson 5

46. Lesson 6

47. Lesson 7