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IWB - sustainable implementation создатель Mind Map: IWB - sustainable implementation

1. Inspiration

1.1. can be organised

1.2. Teachnology event helps

1.3. share best practices that are linked to curriculum goals

1.4. New node

2. School policy

2.1. Vision and Focus (management)

2.2. Invest in fore runners

2.3. Include use of IWB/ICT in professional assessment

2.4. support transfer

3. Methodology

3.1. Think about the added value of IWB's

3.2. peer learning

3.3. team teaching

3.4. IWB -> focus on Interactivity

3.4.1. as teacher

3.4.2. between teacher and students

3.4.3. between students

4. Enable change

4.1. Invest in people

4.2. time to learn, time to share

4.3. time to develop

4.4. safe learning environment

4.5. sync free time in time table

5. Technology

5.1. enough IWB's

5.2. in each class room

5.3. Use mobile devices

5.4. Socrative allows response activities

5.5. Support needs to be close by

5.6. access from home (student license)

6. Teacher Skills

6.1. basic skills

6.2. Link to curriculum

7. Digital learning materials (content)

7.1. store and share

7.2. Curriculum areas on server

7.3. teacher / librarian --> creates content collections

7.4. create new lessons in notes