ERADICATING GLOBAL POVERTY. 'Poverty is not a lack of financial resources but a lack of choice, o...

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ERADICATING GLOBAL POVERTY. 'Poverty is not a lack of financial resources but a lack of choice, of opportunity and of dignity.' por Mind Map: ERADICATING GLOBAL POVERTY. 'Poverty is not a lack of financial resources but a lack of choice, of opportunity and of dignity.'



1.1.1. Increasing the amount of civil servants will expand government intervention into important areas of society and will also allow the government to gain better relationships will neighbouring economies which acts as a diplomatic service as-well by legitimising the government itself. Expanding the armed forces facilitates huge job creation in defence and also in support for defence, for every military personnel there are 3 support staff employed by the armed forces. Also the resource requirements would mean massive benefits to the manufacturing industry as well the engineering industry. the armed forces also acts as a huge innovation machine that invests a great amount of time and money into r&d of new technologies that be transferable into non military industries that would make smarter societies and smarter societies are wealthier societies. Investment into a public health system means massive job creation. But more so a healthy workforce is a productive workforce. This would significantly reduce the amount of people unable to workday to sickness or disability and avoid huge out of pocket bills into private healthcare which pull people into poverty. Government schemes focus massively on reducing poverty. Community regeneration allows for improved training of local people, improved nutrition, improved job creation in of itself and infrastructure development. Economic regeneration is also massively help through increased government institution. This allows for micro financing through government grants to help small business develop and boost the economy. Increasing the number of vocational and non-vocational teaching roles means educating more people, reducing class sizes and reach more people in poverty stricken countries. More teachers also allows more bespoke training that becomes more unique to individuals which means more specialised professionals which is a major asset to a developing economy.


1.2.1. We need to ensure that markets serve as the engine of development, not its enemy. Taxes need to be calculated to not take from the vital resources for the private sector as this is the engine, the chassis and the driver of the economy and job creation. Rather than simply donating to worthy causes, we must focus on creating and multiplying value in the societies in which we source, supply and operate, and integrate this into our corporate governance of our operations, our project development and our profit calculation, across the value chain. Only by combining the financial capital and ingenuity of the private sector with the political will and power of governments, and the compassion, selflessness and dedication of the non-profit sector, will we defeat poverty. A blend of skills is needed to generate the equality of opportunity for all and to transform the world in which we live in and this can be found in the private sector. It is indeed possible for the private sector to pursue profit and still make meaningful contributions to human development.‘Africapitalism’ is a term coined to define the new role of the private sector in the development of Africa, through long-term investments that create economic prosperity and social wealth. Through Africapitalism, an investment could be made with the intent of returning a profit, but also creating a significant social impact. An investor can help create tens of thousands of direct and indirect jobs, while making themselves a reasonable profit.


1.3.1. The combination of rising commodity prices and falling costs of communication technology presents poverty stricken places like Africa with an unprecedented opportunity to reduce poverty and fight corruption at the same time. Despite the positives, this does present government with some problems. First, their currencies are appreciating, which leaves the other sectors of the economy such as manufacturing, in particular, unable to compete with imports. Second, the risk of environmental damage associated with extracting natural resources is growing. And third, the opportunities for corruption and waste are multiplying, not just in the granting of exploration and exploitation permits, but also in the use of the revenues from resource extraction. So all of these would need to resolved into to allow the poorest in society to benefit Better central banking has allowed developing countries to establish contingency plans and better measures to deal with appreciation; so nationalisation of some banks would create jobs and provide more economic certainty. Developing countries are as they suggest developing so society is becoming more civil and therefore more alert to things like environmental hazards however, the institutions that control such things are not strong. To ensure environmental protection there must be investment into government into institutions that measure and assess the sustainability of resource extraction and thus help ensure a more sustainable future. Direct transfers of resource dividends to citizen may be feasible solution to avoid corruption.Logistically, there is nothing that prevents governments from transferring a portion, or even all, of the income from natural resources directly to every citizen, not just the poor but it would pull those in poverty out and help those about to fall in up. Why would giving people a share of commodity revenues help avoid, let alone reduce, corruption? Because if you know you are getting a portion of the resource revenues, you will surely be interested in the management of this resource. You will want to know that the company which explores, exploits and exports your country's oil is competent and transparent and this would breed more civility.



2.1.1. Once basic needs are provided then, and only then, can society begin to develop. SANITATION Improved sanitation systems can be achieved through rather inexpensive means. All that needs to be done to reduce environmental and human risk to waste is to hygienically separate human excreta from human contact through a system of flush toilets and pit latrines with washable slabs. Educating communities how best to deal with there waste and how to improve hygiene will play an enormous role in reducing poverty due to poor sanitation. WATER Water security is most essential to life itself and again there are many short term solutions that can massively alleviate the pressure on water usage in developing countries whilst long term infrastructure is being funded and built. Water seers, fog catchers, solar pumps and graphene filters could all prove to be the difference between life and death fro millions living in poverty. FOOD Developing countries need more food which simply means developing higher crop yields. This can be achieved through increased research into plant breeding. Boosting irrigation will help alleviate the pressure of climate change. Fertilisers can be used to boost crop yield and soil fertility. Improving rural infrastructure such as roads is crucial to raising productivity through reductions in shipping costs and the loss of perishable produce. Meanwhile, providing better incentives to farmers, including reductions in food subsidies, could raise agricultural output by nearly 5%. Developing countries need to reform land ownership with productivity and inclusiveness in mind. As an example, Africa has the highest area of arable uncultivated land in the world, around 202 million hectares, yet most farms occupy less than 2 hectares. This results from poor land governance and ownership laws. Changes that clearly define property rights, ensure the security of land tenure, and enable land to be used as collateral will be necessary if many developing nations are to realise potential to reduce poverty through this median. HOUSING Traditionally, people in Africa build incrementally, as their resources allow, so housing is a process, not a product. Families living in poverty cannot afford a long-term, traditional mortgage. Instead they build in stages, creating a makeshift shelter and then eventually replacing it with permanent materials and expanding it. This leads to a weak housing system as structure are unsafe and often uninahbitable. Small, short-term loans can fund the steps in this process with payments that are affordable for families with little money who want to improve their living situations. If government provided such loans then permanent more robust structures could offer more security and reduced poverty. Governments should consider how other policymaking will affect housing. For instance, in fragile society such as much of Africa civil war is very easily provoked causing refugee crises and therefore immediate aid should be available to those who are in need of it for this reason or any other reason. Governments should invest in household building projects both in the public and private sector to reduce homelessness and improve housing infrastructure.


2.2.1. Resource management is arguably the most important job a government has to do to eradicate poverty. Effectively managed resources mean that basic needs are evenly distributed and this creates a fairer, more inclusive society. Therefore, governments must set up direct committees to monitor each commodity/resource and look at ways a best gathering, distributing, using and recycling that resource. governments in developing countries should aim to nationalise basic resources so that they can distributed most fairly and at the most minimal cost to its people.



3.1.1. Enforcing primary education to all children. This will be achieved through subsidising tuition fees for the most marginalised students. Sustainable aid is the only way to do this. By subsidising tuition this will encourage subsistance families who rely on chid labour to allow their children to receive education and in turn help alleviate poverty in their families.

3.1.2. Implementation of a universal but contextual syllabus that teaches core values of health, economics and sustainability. Established by government institutions that reviews and identifies most valuable information that those in poverty would benefit from. i.e how to be more sustainable and manage resources more effectively. This will allow children to relay important information to their parents who may not necessarily have had an education or a very effective one.

3.1.3. Increasing teacher's pay to attract smarter people into the profession and whilst also continuously improving teaching techniques and learning resources. Again, achieved through sustainable funding. Provide mentors to teachers and government officials from countries with established education systems to coach them in policymaking and teaching practices to make the education in countries suffering from extreme poverty more efficient and effective.

3.1.4. Temporarily revert focus from quantifying knowledge of children through continuous tests and focus on the original point of education, enhancing individuals which in turn creates smarter societies and raises the boundary of knowledge for everyone rather than looking to meet arbitrary government targets. If people understand how to apply the information they learn, then their education will be of more value to them and society.


3.2.1. Formal education will earn you a living, self education will earn you a fortune. This philosophy explains why education in communities is so important. Education does not stop in school. A country's literate population is its greatest asset. Government programs would be set up in municipal regions, towns and villages to promote education at all ages and help people in communities help each other to learn. Reading classes and writing classes would provide a basis whereby people could not only learn to read and write but gain a greater understanding of the wider world from those who have the most experience in their community. Teaching could be done through religious communities, in sporting communities and most practically through workplaces whereby employers are incentivised to educate their workers by the government. This would include health and safety education as well as educating people on how to be better at their jobs and act more sustainably and efficiently. Educating men and women on health and in particular sexual transmission of diseases will help alleviate the HIV/Aids epidemic and ironically also help reduce the population by teaching and providing contraception.


3.3.1. Providing clean, safe environments is key to implementation of a properly functioning school systems. a major benefit of schooling is that by placing children in a safe environment for most of the day then they are less likely to be in more vulnerable environments where their wellbeing is at risk. Building structurally sound schools and investing in facilities that are most needed is required for the resource management to work effectively from aid.

3.3.2. By leveraging technological infrastructure, poverty stricken countries could be afforded access to unlimited information. the internet is the greatest source of information humanity has ever produced so if we can make it more accessible people will learn more and spread knowledge further creating smarter societies and communities.

3.3.3. Strategic transport planning will not only help get kids to school quicker and safer but help build a more inclusive school system that reaches out to all of the nation. Secondly, we must focus on making sure all those who need them have the right knowledge, skills and resources. Training the next generation of scientific leaders and healthcare professionals will help domestic the issue and help governments see what needs to be done to tackle the issue of poverty going forward. Aid workers can also be sent to mentor healthcare professionals in countries to show them new techniques in R&D, hospital management practice and all facets of the healthcare system. Increased commitment to training local scientists and encouraging research through government and non-government programmes. Initiative need to be set up to fund local scientists and local institutions to conduct basic research on the genomic and environmental bases of health issues prevalent in any given country.



4.1.1. We’ve seen that mobile phones have been particularly beneficial where infrastructure is limited. As mobile devices become increasingly common, they become an unexpected force in delivering better healthcare I recent times, patients would travel to far-off health clinics only to find that the medicines they needed were no longer in stock. Today, around 27,000 government health workers in Uganda use a mobile health system called mTRAC to report on medicine stocks across the country gaining a greater understanding of the supply chain needed for medicines to be distributed to areas where they are most needed..

4.1.2. Greater access to digital infrastructure also helps with educating people on health. If a community has access to the internet then they have access to infinitive knowledge on anything that they may need to know to treat an illness.


4.2.1. We must focus making sure all those who need them have the right knowledge, skills and resources. We must begin training the next generation of scientific leaders and healthcare professionals. This will help to domesticate the issue and help governments see what needs to be done to tackle the issue of poverty going forward. Specialised aid workers can also be sent to mentor healthcare professionals in developing countries to help show them new techniques in R&D, hospital management practices and all facets of the healthcare system. Governments must increase commitment to training national and local scientists and encourage research through government and non-goverment initiatives. Programmes need to be set up to fund local scientists and local institutions such as universities conduct basic and more specialised research on the genomic and environmental bases of health issues prevalent in the given country.


4.3.1. Move away from simply donating aid, to building sustainable infrastructure that can ensure needed therapies are available in even the most remote areas. Everyone should have access to good health, no matter where they live. Again, creating sustainable and reliable transport links would help get people to wherever healthcare is when required and help distribute medicines and also people that could save so many peoples lives. Where developing countries are transitioning from donor assistance and global aid to domestic financing, public spending on healthcare plateaus. This means rapid increases in out of pocket spending that forces people into poverty so government needs to know how to stop this by identifying and helping the most vulnerable in society, children, disabled, elderly and sick.