Musical Notation

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Musical Notation by Mind Map: Musical Notation

1. Day 2: Finish Defining Music

1.1. Review Music Vs. Noise Activity from last time/Discuss what makes music music

1.1.1. Birds Chirping Does music need to performed by people?

1.1.2. Drone Does music need to have more than one pitch?

1.1.3. Brahms Symphony No,1 Does music need to have words?

1.1.4. White noise Does music need to have musical intent or purpose?

1.1.5. Quatre Etudes de Rythme by Messiaen Does music need to sound "pleasing"?

1.2. Reach a class definition of music

1.2.1. Students brainstorm a definition of their own first This will allow students that do not feel comfortable speaking in front of the whole class to participate still

1.2.2. Then come together and brainstorm a class definition on a white board Have students start listing off elements of music outloud and discuss each idea/Refer to examples Tell students to think about what music they listen to and what elements it has

1.2.3. Write a definition of music on a poster and hang on classroom wall

2. Day 1: Introductions and Beginning to Define Music

2.1. Establishing Classroom Environment

2.1.1. Greet Students at door

2.1.2. Have a song playing of my own choice playing while they enter

2.1.3. Each student will write down a song title/artist and place into a jar. One song will be chosen every day to listen to at the start of class Students will have the option to remain anonymous or not to help students feel more comfortable

2.2. Students meet other classmates

2.2.1. In small groups of 3-5 have students share their name, favorite musical genre, and favorite artist This will help students that are not comfortable sharing in a large group setting

2.2.2. I will move from group to group listening and observing

2.3. Defining Music

2.3.1. Music Vs. Noise Listening Activity (Worksheet)- students will listen to examples and decide whether they are noise or music and explain why. All of these examples will be discussed more in depth next class Quatre Etudes de Rythme by Messiaen White noise Brahms Symphony No. 1 Musical Drone Birds chirping Play each example for about 30 seconds-1 minute. Allow time for students to think and write their thoughts down in between

3. Day 5: Present Projects

3.1. Informal Presentations

3.1.1. Students will give their name, the title of the song they notated, and how they notated specific elements of the music

3.1.2. ESL students or students not willing to present their projects can turn in a written explanation of their notation project

3.2. Allow students choice of presenting in 2-3 large groups or the whole class

3.2.1. This choice will allow students that may be nervous about presenting in front of the whole class the option

3.2.2. Entire class presentations Begin by asking for volunteers to present and when the volunteers are finished going, continue to go around the room having students present in the order they are sitting

3.2.3. 2-3 Large group presentations Have students present in order going around the circle beginning with a volunteer Move between groups listening in and, if needed, facilitating discussion

3.2.4. At the end of presentations, collect student projects

4. Class discussion

4.1. Write different examples on board and discuss

4.2. Guitar Tabs

4.2.1. Show example of what they look like and discuss. Are people who read guitar tabs musicians?

4.3. Digital Audio Workstations

4.3.1. Show examples: Cubase and Ableton Have pictures and explain what the different areas of the digital audio workstation control

4.3.2. Open up soundtrap and give students a very brief demonstration of how it is used/how you do not need to know how to read standard notation Make a 3-4 part beat quickly that uses the loops available in soundtrap

5. Day 3: Non-Traditional Musical Notation

5.1. Look at and listen to different examples (worksheet)

5.1.1. Aria by John Cage What do the colors signify? What doe the different types of lines mean? What does the height of the lines mean? How is this notation similar to standard western notation?

5.1.2. December 1952 by Earle Brown What does the length/thickness of the lines signify? Ambiguity of interpretation Could be read left to right or up and down How is this notation similar to standard western notation?

5.1.3. Artikulation by Gyorgy Ligeti What could the shapes signify? What do the colors signify? How is this notation similar to standard western notation?

5.2. Introduce Project (Worksheet) students will notate part of a song of their choice using their own non-standard notation

5.2.1. Allow students time to brainstorm in class individually or in groups Walk around and be available for questions This will help students to work in a way that they do best For students that cannot come up with songs have a few song suggestions in mind

5.2.2. Allow extra time for students that struggle with this project

5.2.3. Students that grasp concept quickly have do the entire song

6. Day 4: Does somebody need to read musical notation in order to be a musician?

6.1. Small group discussion 3-5 people

6.1.1. Walk around and listen to conversations

6.1.2. Guide students to come up with examples where this is not true Have them write down these examples to bring to class discussion

6.2. Allow time for students to work on projects

6.2.1. Sit at the front of class while they work

6.2.2. Materials Headphones Ipads/Phones Crayons, Markers, Colored Pencils Blank paper

6.2.3. Only a short amount of time. 10-15 minutes so students will not be bored