Gaps and Overlaps
by Deborah MacPherson

1. Banking and Finance
1.1. Buildings and Spaces
1.1.1. Department of Treasury
2. Commercial Facilities
2.1. Buildings and Spaces
2.1.1. DHS - Infrastructure Protection
3. Defense Industrial Base
3.1. Buildings, Spaces, Mobile, Networks
3.1.1. Department of Defense
4. Government Facilities
4.1. Buildings and Spaces
4.1.1. Immigration and Customs - Federal Protective Services
5. Healthcare
5.1. Buildings and Spaces
5.1.1. Department of Health and Human Services
6. National Monuments and Icons
6.1. Buildings and Sites
6.1.1. Department of the Interior
7. Postal and Shipping
7.1. Buildings and Mobile
7.1.1. DHS - Transportation Security Administration
8. Transportation Systems
8.1. Buildings and Mobile
8.1.1. DHS - Transportation Security Administration and Coast Guard
9. Agriculture and Food
9.1. Land, Buildings, Process Plants
9.1.1. Department of Agriculture
10. Chemical
10.1. Process Plants
10.1.1. DHS - Infrastructure Protection
11. Communications
11.1. Linear / Networks
11.1.1. DHS - Cybersecurity and Communications
12. Critical Manufacturing
12.1. Process Plants
12.1.1. DHS - Infrastructure Protection
13. Dams
13.1. Waterways and Power
13.1.1. DHS - Infrastructure Protection
14. Emergency Services
14.1. EOCs, Stations, PSAP
14.1.1. DHS - Infrastructure Protection
15. Energy
15.1. Utilities - Linear / Networks
15.1.1. Department of Energy
16. Information Technology
16.1. Linear / Networks
16.1.1. DHS - Cybersecurity and Communications
17. Nuclear Reactors, Materials, and Waste
17.1. Process Plants - Buildings and Sites
17.1.1. Department of Energy
18. Water
18.1. Process Plants, Buildings and Sites, Linear / Systems
18.1.1. Environmental Protection Agency