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Research by Mind Map: Research

1. What is Research?

1.1. Investigating a topic

1.2. Essential questions

1.3. Budget

1.4. Assets

1.5. Inquiry

1.6. Analyzing

1.7. Concluding

1.8. Unbias vs bias

1.9. Staying on point

1.10. Ethics or permission

1.11. Quality questions

1.12. Background knowledge

1.13. Clear purpose

1.14. Critiquing

2. What are the common reactions to research?

2.1. Time consuming

2.2. Complicated

2.3. How can I apply it?

2.3.1. Connection to practice Relavance

2.4. What does it mean for me? For the kids?

2.5. Not always using Google but own research

2.6. Official reports and writing

2.7. Surprised (ex. Tell them from me)

2.8. Exciting to see the data

2.9. Hearing the truth can be shocking

2.10. Promotes or drives change

2.11. Fear

2.12. Can be dry

3. What does it involve?

3.1. Quantitative/Qualitative Methods

3.2. Gathering data

3.3. Analysis of data

3.4. Coding

3.5. Ethics

3.6. Control of variables

3.7. Indication of future research

3.8. Detailed study of a certain subject

3.9. Discovering new information

3.10. Development of theory or idea

3.11. Background understanding of topic(s)

3.12. Computer

3.13. Surveys

3.14. Planning

3.15. Scheduling

3.16. Nominating/Appointing jobs/tasks

3.17. Team building/community building