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Big era 6 by Mind Map: Big era 6

1. These transformations helped to establish science and reason as a standard for explaining the natural word and human behavior.

2. Introduction

2.1. What were the four key transformations that changed human history in big era 6?

2.1.1. The columbian exchange

2.1.2. The emergence of the global economy

2.1.3. The printing press helped with the spread of ideas and images in the renaissance. It also increased literacy among the middle and upper class. The printing press made printing cheaper leading to books being cheaper meaning more people will read and gain intelligence. Spread ideas about Protestantism and the scientific revolution.

2.1.4. The rise in European political and military power

2.1.5. The spread of ideas today is based on online technology and media for instance, our phones, televisions, and computers. This gives us more freedom to accessing information to grow and spread thoughts into the world. Today is just a more advanced version of the goal of the printing press.

2.1.6. The development of the renaissance, the scientific revolution, and the enlightenment

2.2. How did these transformations work together to increase power in European countries?

3. Humans and other ideas

3.1. What role did printing technology play in the spread of ideas during big era 6?

3.2. How does this compare with the spread of ideas today?

3.3. How did scientific discoveries in big era 6 contribute to broader enlightenment ideas?

3.3.1. Scientific discoveries made huge impact in big era 6 contributing to the center of technological and scientific advances along with cultural transformations. The enlightenment thinkers ideas spread to other parts of the world becoming the foundation of social, political, cultural, and economic revolutions that would shape big era seven. Ex. Controversy over religion and evolution.

4. Humans and the environment

4.1. Define the columbian exchange, and give examples of disease, crops, slavery, culture, religion, and ideas.

4.1.1. A period of cultural and biological exchanges between Afro Eurasia and the americas. The flu, the common cold, typhus, syphilis. Corn, yams, Cacau.

4.2. Why did far more plant species, animal species, disease, microorganisms, and people flow from Afro Eurasia to the Americas, then in the opposite direction in the 1500s and 1600s?

4.2.1. Because the Afro Eurasians had a lot more immunities than the Americans did, so the diseases carried over from Afro Eurasian had a larger affect on the Americans then vice versa

5. Humans and other humans

5.1. In what way did the economy change social organization in big era 6?

5.1.1. “Asia was the center of global economic activity at the beginning of big era six. Then a shift toward Europe begin to occur, though not until the early 18th century.“

5.2. Describe the influence of silver and of sugar on the world economy of big era 6.

5.2.1. The Europeans benefited the most from the silver exchange, when Afro Eurasia came over to the Americas they found so much more silver and brought it into the world economy which lead to rapid increase in exchanges. as well as they did from the sugar exchange, it brought riches to the Europeans and changed the diet and daily habits of ordinary Europeans

6. Dr. K’s Faves

6.1. Was big era 6 the era of advancement? Defend your answer.

6.1.1. It was because Europeans got a lot more information and ideas which helped spark the enlightenment. There were more pros than cons of the era.

6.2. Wats big era 6 an era of economic inequality? Defend your answer.

6.2.1. Not really, except for the relationship between Europe and Africa because not only slavery(which was a big part of it) but Europe took more than they gave.

7. C.R.A.P.

7.1. Contrast

7.2. Repetition

7.3. Alignment

7.4. Proximity

7.5. White space