Acadian SWE Process Temp/KOH/Time/Pressure = Active Ingredients for Plant Health (combination of ...

APH Product Differentiation and Mode of Action (How they work = how to make new products and new claims)

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Acadian SWE Process Temp/KOH/Time/Pressure = Active Ingredients for Plant Health (combination of many molecules) ASL-APH Main Area of Differentiation - effects how product works and what it does in the plants by Mind Map: Acadian SWE Process Temp/KOH/Time/Pressure = Active Ingredients for Plant Health (combination of many molecules) ASL-APH Main Area of Differentiation - effects how product works and what it does in the plants

1. Craigie Centre Greenhouse and Bioassays + Raj and other Academic Collaborators

1.1. Phenotype = roots, leaves, nutrient status, SPAD, Stomatal Conductance

1.2. Metabolites (Metabolomics) = Antioxidants (Abiotic Stress); SAR (Biotic); Chlorophyll and photosynthesis enzymes; nutrient use enzymes

1.3. Genomics = genes turned on or off for specific functions and related to the production of certain metabolites or priming for that production; Genes of Interest: 1) abiotic stress 2) biotic stress - nematodes, diseases 3) photosynthesis 4) nutrient uptake and use efficiency 5) microbe stimulation 6) microbe-root signaling

2. Field Trials APH + Contractors and Academic Partners

2.1. Phenotype = roots, leaves, nutrient status, SPAD, Stomatal conductance + Economic Yield (ROI)

2.1.1. Project specifications

2.1.2. End User requirements

2.1.3. Action points sign-off

2.2. Metabolomics (Metabolites

2.3. Genomics

2.3.1. Top Priorities

2.3.2. Medium Priorities

2.3.3. Low Priorities

3. Analytical: SWE Active Ingredients Identification and Quantification; Plant Metabolites

3.1. NMR-NRC

3.2. Chemical Analysis (CS-Analytical Team)

3.3. Chemical Analysis (External)