Wildlife Management

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Wildlife Management by Mind Map: Wildlife Management

1. What is involved in the job?

1.1. Job Description

1.2. Past reports done by empolyees

1.3. Source Needed: Articles on what is involved in Wildlife Management

1.3.1. Job Descriptions

2. Does it deal with the habitat?

2.1. Habitat articles

2.2. Research done on the different habitats

2.3. Source Needed: Habitat change reports

2.3.1. Local or international

3. Do they keep track of illness?

3.1. Articles of wildlife illness

3.2. Description of the job itself

3.3. Source Needed: Wildlife Illness reports

3.3.1. Co sides with population

4. Do they keep track of population?

4.1. Population reports

4.2. How is it kept under control

4.3. Source Needed: Reports on population increase or decrease

4.3.1. Hunting Regulation laws