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Energy by Mind Map: Energy

1. The ability to do work

1.1. Measured in joules

2. Everyday Examples

3. Types of energy

3.1. Potential

3.2. Kinetic

3.2.1. Motion

3.3. Thermal

3.3.1. Heat

3.4. Solar

3.4.1. The sun

3.5. Electric

3.5.1. Electricity

3.6. Magnetic

3.6.1. Magnet

3.7. Chemical

3.7.1. Food

3.7.2. Battery

3.8. Nuclear

3.9. Gravitational potential energy

4. Forms

4.1. Potential

4.2. Kinetic

5. sources of energy on Earth

5.1. Sun

5.1.1. Project specifications

5.1.2. End User requirements

5.1.3. Action points sign-off

5.2. Fossil Fuels

5.2.1. Oil

5.2.2. Coal

5.3. Wind

5.3.1. Top Priorities

5.3.2. Medium Priorities

5.3.3. Low Priorities

5.4. Natural Gas

5.4.1. Top Priorities

5.4.2. Medium Priorities

5.4.3. Low Priorities

6. Energy changed forms

6.1. Match

6.1.1. Chemical energy stored in the match changes to light and thermal energy

6.2. Electric Boiler

6.2.1. The electricity that is in the wire changes to thermal energy to boil the water

7. Kinetic Energy

7.1. one Joule is equal to 1 kg m2 / s2

7.2. Factors kinetic energy depends on

7.2.1. Mass: units of kilograms

7.2.2. Velocity: meter per second

7.3. The more the mass of the object, the higher velocity of the object and the faster the object will move and so the more kinetic energy used to move the object

7.3.1. Pushing boxes around

8. Potential energy

8.1. Stored energy in an object

8.1.1. The strength of the gravitational force

8.1.2. Mass of the object

8.1.3. The height of the gravitational force