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Lambert Ch.1 by Mind Map: Lambert Ch.1

1. Mann Ch. 1

1.1. Humans use story telling as a way to understand our existence and manage our life experiences. Stories were used to explain many of the question we have. Myths that explain where we come from. Stories were used to communicate beliefs and "teach future generations" (5).

1.2. The successful transmission of ones emotions and memories, requires effective story telling.

1.3. Stories help us understand and communicate our lives. Story telling "helps us make sense of reality" (7)

2. Storytelling involves a more emotional appeal. "We inevitably drop out of argumentation and into story" (8) When ever we are telling a story, it usually involves a life lesson, or moment of emotional distress/delight. These stories are not up for argumentation.

3. Lambert Ch.5

3.1. Story telling should be about deep insight, not much about "external expectations" (55) but more about the personal meanings those stories hold. Owning your emotions when story telling is important as it reveals the truest version of the story.

3.2. The moment of change in your story is important because it can bring you to "the meaning of your story" (59). The use of visuals aids the audience in bringing the story to life.

3.3. Sound is a very important part of story telling. Your voice and tone bring life to the story and "captures the connection to the lived experience (63).

3.4. The structure of the story is important because you don't want to give too much at once. Think about the audience when structuring the story and when telling your story.

4. Story telling is used as a survival mechanism. We pass down from generation to generation the "ins and outs" of what to do to survive through stories.

5. We use story telling as a way to "make sense of the world" (6) As curious human beings, we find ourselves needing answers to the various mysteries of the world. Creating stories that give an explanation.

6. We use story telling as a form of reflection to the events that have marked our lives.