"Stressed Out" - Twenty One Pilots

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"Stressed Out" - Twenty One Pilots by Mind Map: "Stressed Out" - Twenty One Pilots

1. "Blurryface" the character

2. Tyler Joseph is the protagonist of this song as well as the only writer on the album "Blurryface"

2.1. Speaks to earlier idea of "authenticity". What is more authentic than writing an entire album to which only you have written the lyrics?

3. Mental Health

4. Societal Stress

5. Represents Tyler Joseph's insecurities/demons

6. The need to find a job and have a career that will ensure you make enough money

7. He talks about the similarities between his brother and himself specifically

8. Tyler's anxiety told through the character "Blurryface"

9. Music Video

10. No actors used. Real family members. Authentic?

11. Seems to represent the joy of childhood. They are shown visiting eachothers homes on Big Wheel bikes and drinking caprisuns.

12. "I was told when I get older all my fears would shrink But now I'm insecure and I care what people think."

13. Speaks a lot of self-perception. A larger theme expressed throughout the album but can be seen here often.

14. Refers to "they" in reference to people putting pressure on him to make money, not a defined "they"

15. Insecurity with one's self and their place within their own perception and the world at large.

16. Top 40 song = not authentic. Tyler Joseph writing all the lyrics to every song= authenic. Which one triumphs?

17. Childhood Nostalgia/False perspective of the world

18. "Millennial Issues"

19. Poetic Lyrics

20. Has a wider message but because it was a top 40 song, it was overlooked

21. Mentions student loans

22. Settling for a less than ideal job

23. Waking up from childhood dreaming

24. Upbeat music, detached from lyrical content

25. Better understood in the context of the entire album, releasing singles is not something the band focuses heavily on

26. "We" - conveys issues that are not personal but societal

27. "Wake up you need to make money"

28. Yearns for the past

29. Society as a whole