Learning Theory is the conceptual framework that describe how information is absorbed,processed, ...

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Learning Theory is the conceptual framework that describe how information is absorbed,processed, and retained during learning. by Mind Map: Learning Theory is the conceptual framework that describe how information is absorbed,processed, and retained during learning.

1. Cognitivism means the process of knowing. It sought to understand what was inside the black box of the mind, in order to emulate it computationally.

1.1. Important Cognitive Learning Theorists:

1.1.1. 1. Robert Gagne 2. John Carroll 3. David Merrill 4. Edgar Dale 5. John Sweller Gagne=Conditions of Learning Carroll=three-stratum theory of cognitive ability Merrill=Component Display Theory Dale=Cone of Experience Sweller=Cognitive Load Theory

2. Constructivism refers both to a learning theory (an empirical explanation of how people learn) and to an epistemology of learning (a view of the nature of knowledge).

2.1. Important Constructivist Learning Theorists:

2.1.1. 1. John Dewey 2. Jerome Bruner 3.Jean Lave 4. Seymour Papert 5.George Siemens

2.1.2. Dewey=philosophy of pragmatism Bruner= idea of learning as an active process Lave=learning is situated Seymour= constructivist learning theory. Siemens=originator of Connectivism theory

3. Behaviorism is classical conditioning is that repeatedly pairing a neutral stimulus with a natural stimulus causes the neutral stimulus also to elicit the response. Behaviorism was one of the first examples of the use of scientific method to explain human action, psychology and learning, offering an explanation that could be empirically verified

3.1. Important Behavioral Learning Theorists:

3.1.1. 1. Ivan Pavlov 2. John B. Watson 3. Edward Thorndike 4. Burrhus Frederic Skinner 5. Conwy Lloyd Morgan Pavlov=theory of classical conditioning Watson=Behaviorism, also known as behavioral psychology Thorndike= behaviorism and in studying learning Skinner=Operant Conditioning Morgan=theory of emergent evolution, and for the experimental approach