Mind Mapping/Graphic Organizer

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Mind Mapping/Graphic Organizer por Mind Map: Mind Mapping/Graphic Organizer

1. What is it?

1.1. great for organizing content, ideas, and new info

1.2. a means for teachers and students to work collaboratively

1.3. can be shared with individuals or whole groups, who then can add their own ideas, videos, images, etc.

2. Would I Use In My Classroom?

2.1. YES!!!

2.2. great visuals, that reinforce what is taught in the classroom.

2.3. graphic organizers are a great tool with a lot of benefits, easy to use, and helps students study while improving their test scores.

3. Benefits

3.1. improves collaboration and teamwork

3.2. enhances memory through the use of mental triggers

3.3. increases productivity and makes note taking more efficient

3.4. facilitates a free flow of ideas and fosters creativity

3.5. great for presentations

4. Uses In The Classroom

4.1. note taking & revising

4.2. creating stunning presentations

4.3. monitoring student participation

4.4. research & writing

4.5. conquering learning disabilities