Liminal Space

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Liminal Space by Mind Map: Liminal Space

1. Not one thing nor the other

1.1. An uneven or unsafe moment in which we are not comfortable to be in.

2. Over a span of time

2.1. Evolution

2.2. Transformation

3. Not visible

3.1. Mostly not visible

3.2. More of a feeling

3.3. Span of time

4. Transition

4.1. Movement

4.2. Growth

5. Dreaming

5.1. Lucid Dreaming

5.2. Subconscious

6. Effects

6.1. Depression

6.2. Anxiety

6.3. Fear

7. ‘What Was’ and ‘What’s Next’

7.1. Example of the trapeze

8. The Space between Spaces

8.1. Physical

8.2. Emotional

9. Change

9.1. Improvement

10. Development

10.1. Journey

10.2. Process

10.3. Feeling

11. Day to Night

11.1. Regeneration between night and day in which the mind and body recharges.