Changing landscape of qualitative research methods and interdisciplinary research issues in HME

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Changing landscape of qualitative research methods and interdisciplinary research issues in HME por Mind Map: Changing landscape of qualitative research methods and interdisciplinary research issues in HME

1. Arts integration in secondary schools

1.1. Not just change of curriculum but change of roles of teachers from implementers to designers

1.2. Music teachers not keen for collaboration

1.2.1. Skills to teach

1.2.2. Assessment of teacher

2. T, pi, W; unfamiliarity and discomfort; inter-disciplinarity to learning, discipline and institution

2.1. Space of dissonance and parallels

2.2. Music style as history and life

2.3. Making unfamiliar familiar

3. Conceptulisation in data collection and analysis

3.1. music elements in the music classroom

3.2. Three pronged connection in the arts and in research

3.2.1. Noticing details

3.2.2. Seeing relations between parts

3.2.3. Seizing the whole (completeness)

3.2.4. Lingering caress (dialogic, "spinning out engagement" rather than achievement)

3.2.5. Mutual absorption (emphatic/transformative) Moving closer Armstrong (2000)

3.2.6. Performance in music

3.3. Ethnographies of schools: multiple parts

3.3.1. Case studies of parallel arts

3.4. International Journal of Education and the Arts

3.4.1. addressing an area/issue in different arts education disciplines