Foundations of Educations

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Foundations of Educations by Mind Map: Foundations of Educations

1. Chapter 4

1.1. 1. Define the theoretical perspectives concerning the relationship between school and society: functionalism, conflict theory and interactionalism.

1.1.1. Functionalism-these theorists see mankind as a machine where one part articulates with another to produce the dynamic energy required to make society work.

1.1.2. Conflict Theory-conflict theorists believe the glue of society is economic, political, cultural and military power.

1.1.3. Interactionalism- these theorists study the everyday interaction between students and students or students and teachers and try to make these interactions seem strange.

1.2. 2. Identify and describe 5 effects of schooling on individuals that you think have the greatest impact on students as explained in the book.

1.2.1. KnowledgeThe first effect that schooling has on an individual is knowledge. Everyone goes through school but not everyone gains the same knowledge. Knoweldge is being able to process information and those students who can do that best go to the best colleges and universities. Knoweldge can also help students land the best job because they know how to something well.

1.2.2. The next effect is attitude. Your attitude can be determined by how good or bad of teachers you have in school. It also can determine how good or bad you do in school. If your a very nice person people will be more willing to help get you through school. However, if you have a bad attitude people will be less willing to help you in school and that could lead to some bad life choices.

1.2.3. Another effect schooling can have on students is employment. When you go through school it can help prepare you for a job because of all the interaction you have with people.

1.2.4. The fourth effecting schooling can have is the behavior of the teachers. If a teacher has students who always listen and are nice that teacher might be nice. However, if a teacher has students who are always talking and being rude that teacher is more than likely go to mean.

1.2.5. The last effect schooling can have on an individual is education. Education can be just a high school degree and a student goes to work right out of high school or a college degree and with it be able to get a number of jobs.

1.3. Chapter 5

1.3.1. 1. Describe the particular world view of one student-centered philosophy (pragmatism or existentialism). Include the following information: generic notions, key researchers, goal of education, role of teacher, method of instruction and curriculum. The way pragmatists believe is learning through experiences not just being taught something once but instead doing something over and over again. There were many philosophies that can from pragmatism, one of the best is progressivism founded by John Dewey. Another philosophy that came from pragmatism is social reconstructionism founded by George Counts. The pragmatism goal of education is to provide students with the knowledge to help make society better. The role of the teacher for pragmatism is to facilitate the learning activities or give the homework. Pragmatists believe working alone and in groups are both good for students. Pragmatists also believe the curriculum for students should be core subjects or subjects beneficial to the student.

2. Chapter 6

2.1. 1. Identify major stakeholders in YOUR district by name (1. Federal level - senators and House of Representative; local level - senators and house of representatives, state superintendent, representative on state school board, local superintendent, and all members of local school board)

2.1.1. Federal-,Richard Shelby, Doug Jones, Bradley Byrne, Martha Roby, Mike Rogers, Robert Aderholt, Mo Brooks, Gary Palmer, Terri Sewell, Local- Ed Henry, Richard Shedd, Ed Richardson, Kay Ivey, Stephanie Bell, Cynthia Sanders McCarty, Jackie Zeigler, Betty Peters, Yvette Richardson, Ella Bell, Jeffery Newman, Mary Scott Hunter, Bill Hopkins, Jimmy Dobbs, Tom Earwood, Adam Glenn, John Holley, Paul Holmes, Billy Rhodes, Mike Tarpley

2.2. 2. Identify and describe the elements of change within 1. school processes and 2. school cultures.

2.2.1. The first element of change within a school process is the conflict teachers have with their students over what goals are needed. Another element of change within a school process is the administrators in conflict with the teachers over what is best for the students. The third element of change within a school process is the community in conflict with the administration over how their child should be taught, the type of discipline and the way the students treat one another. The first element of change in a school culture is they have their own definitive population. This means there are students from different races in the school. Another element of change within a school culture is the political structures. Each student and teacher has their own political view on how the country should work. A third element of change within a school culture is the multitude of social groups. There are many different social groups in schools; some students could have parents who have a lot of money while others have parents who have very little money. How much money your parents have can sometimes be the difference between going to a great school or a poor school. Another element of change within school cultures is the students have that "we feeling. This means the students are together when they need each other. The last element of change within school cultures is the students have their own special culture. This means no matter what background they come from the students will be there for one another when times are tough

3. Chapter 10

3.1. 1. Describe two school-based reforms (school-based, school-business partnerships, privatization, school-to-work programs, teacher education or teacher quality)

3.1.1. The first school-based reform is the Tuition Voucher. This reform states that if a student is going to a failing school they can receive money and go to any school they want. The next reform is the Intersectional Choice Plan. This states that a student can move from a public school to a private school anywhere.

3.2. 2. Describe at least two societal, economic, community, or political reforms.

3.2.1. The first community reform is Dryfoos' model of full service schools. A full service school focuses on meeting the students' and their families educational, physical, physiological, and social needs in a coordinated and collaborative fashion between school and community services. Dryfoos ' model is that schools also serve as community centers within neighborhoods that are open extended hours to serve a multitude of services. An economic reform is Abbot v. Burke. This reform stated that poorer schools must receive more funding to serve the students of those schools.

4. Chapter 2

4.1. 1. Identify and describe the four purposes of education

4.1.1. The first purpose of education is the intellectual purpose. This purpose is to teach students basic cognitive skills such as reading, writing and mathematics.

4.1.2. The next purpose of education is the political purpose. The reason for this purpose is to inculcate allegiance to the existing political order and prepare students who want to become part of the political order.

4.1.3. The third purpose of education is the social purpose. This purpose is to help solve social problems.

4.1.4. The last purpose is the economic purpose. The reason for this purpose is to help students prepare for jobs they will have after school.

4.2. 2. Choose and describe a perspective for the following: 1) the role of school; 2) explanations of unequal performance; and 3) definition of educational problems

4.2.1. Role of the school The role of school should be to get students ready for college and life after school for those who do not go to college.

5. Chapter 3.

5.1. 1. Choose and describe a reform movement that you think had the most influence on public education.

5.1.1. The reform movement I think had the most influence on public education was the Civil Rights Act of 1963. When this first happened there were parents who were so mad that the parents of the white students threatened to either cause harm to the black students or cause damage to that school.

5.2. 2. Choose and describe one historical interpretation of U.S. Education.

5.2.1. The Democratic-Liberal school perspective is everyone should have an equal opportunity at education. Democratic-Liberals also believe that the U.S. education system must continue to come closer without sacrificing the Radical-Revisionist or Conservative perspectives to much.

6. Chapter 7

6.1. 1. Explain a curriculum theory which you advocate (humanist, social efficiency, developmentalist, or social meliorist).

6.1.1. I believe the best curriculum theory is the social efficiency theory. This theory states school should be used to help improve society by teaching what is needed to be functional and productive in society.

6.2. 2. Identify and describe the two dominant traditions of teaching.

6.2.1. The first dominant tradition is the Mimetic Tradition. This says there is a basic core of knowledge to be learned by everyone. The other dominant tradition of teaching is the Transformative tradition. This tradition states that students should be the main focus of the curriculum.

7. Chapter 8

7.1. 1. Describe how class, race, and gender each impact educational outcomes.

7.1.1. First, the way class determines how well someone does in education is because the more money the parents have the better school their child can attend. Next, race can determine the educational outcomes of students because teachers tend to focus their attention more towards the students who they believe will do best and that is normally towards white students more than minority students. Lastly, gender can impact the educational outcome of students because teachers tend to focus more towards the male students than female although that gap has shrunk since the first schools were built.

7.2. 2. What were the two responses to the Coleman Study from 1982? (There are other responses but you focus ONLY on the two from 1982.)

7.2.1. The first response was students from private schools do better than students from public schools. The second response was the differences in the schools make a big difference. For example, students who attend private schools have more work and have to study harder than students who attend public schools.

8. Chapter 9

8.1. 1. Explain at least two types of cultural differences theory (page 424-427)

8.1.1. First, there is the Conflict Theory which states student success is determined by their environment. This means that the way a student is raised whether by parents or someone else is the only element in what a students future will be. The next theory is the Interactionist Theory. This theory says a students success is determined by a combination of factors such as family, social class schools and environment. I believe this is the best theory because there are many factors that can determine whether a student succeeds in school or not.

8.2. 2. Describe at least four school-centered (not student-centered) explanations for educational inequality.

8.2.1. First, there is the teachers which can make a big difference for a student because teachers have to do more than just teach. Teachers nowadays have to be more of a mentor than a teacher or someone a student goes to for problems. Next, there is the teaching methods. This is how you want to teach your students. The way you teach your students can either help or your career based on how good or bad you do. Third, the curriculum can also be a big factor in how students succeed because if the teacher does not know the curriculum then how can the teacher expect the students to learn it. Last, there is the school climate. The school climate is how good or bad a school is being run. For example, if a student goes to a school where there is no discipline for students when they do something bad then that student might have a hard time learning.