Learning theories = seek to answer the question why, how, where, when, and what people learn.

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Learning theories = seek to answer the question why, how, where, when, and what people learn. by Mind Map: Learning theories = seek to answer the question why, how, where, when, and what people learn.

1. Cognitivism 2nd = learning is process of information; cognitive process of knowing social behoviors

1.1. Jean Piaget = Cognitive Development

1.2. Albert Bandura = Social Learning Theory

1.3. Charles Reigeluth = Elaboration Theory

1.4. John Sweller = Cognitive Lead Theory

1.5. Richard Mayer = Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning

2. Behaviorism 1st = learning is performing a new; how people behave; observable and measurable scientific methods to explain action, psychology, and learning.

2.1. Ivan Pavlov = Classical Conditioning

2.2. Burrhus Frederic Skinner = Voluntary or Operant Behavior Conditioning

2.3. John Watson = Methodological Behaviorism

2.4. Edward Thorndike = Law of Effect

2.5. Edward Tolman = Purposive, behavoristic anticipation of cognitive psychology

3. Constructivism 3rd = learning is making meaning by doing; emphasized the role of making sense of the world or how learners construct meaning

3.1. John Bransford = Anchored Instruction

3.2. Jerome Bruner = Discovery Learning

3.3. Lev Vygotsky = Social Development Theory

3.4. Jean Lave = Situated Learning

3.5. Ernst von Glasersfeld = Radical Constructivism