Will arming teachers with fire arms prevent school massacres or just make them more of a possibility

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Will arming teachers with fire arms prevent school massacres or just make them more of a possibility by Mind Map: Will arming teachers with fire arms prevent school massacres or just make them more of a possibility

1. Arming teachers will not help prevent school massacres

1.1. Arming teachers will not prevent school shootings because it creates even more problems and though the teacher will be armed that doesn't mean that they'll be able to stop the shooter.

1.1.1. One reason why arming teachers wouldn't be effective is because we cant forget that teachers are people too and if a teacher snaps we don't know what they would do if they had a firearm. (Rostron) I sort of feel like this could be true ,but at the same time if we make teachers go through tests and train them I don't feel like this could be a possibility.

1.1.2. Second reason it wouldn't be a good idea for arming teacher is the fact that if a teacher misplaces a gun a student could easily take the gun or shoot the school up with the gun. I feel like this could never happen if we get gun safes or just safe places in general for teachers to put their fire arm.

1.1.3. Third reason and final reason arming teachers would not work is because arming teachers is not the final solution to stopping school massacre. The shooter will most likely just shoot the teachers with the guns first. Arming teachers just wouldn't work. (Rostron) I do actually agree with this evidence. I do feel like if kids found out about which teacher had a firearm a possible shooter could use this information against the school and shoot that teacher first.

2. Arming teachers with fire arms will prevent school massacres

2.1. Arming teachers will in fact help prevent school shooting because it will combat the shooter and stop them.

2.1.1. One reason arming teachers will stop school shootings is it will give us a better chance of stopping the shooting by combating him with fire power. (Nugent) I feel like this is true but at the same time the shooter is most likely going to have a more powerful weapon then a hand gun.

2.1.2. One other reason arming teachers will help stop school shootings is that it'll stop the shooter in his tracts. We wont have to call the police and wait for them to get there while innocence's are getting killed. (Lott) I actually agree with this one. I feel like if we had teachers combating the shooter there would be a less victim toll.

2.1.3. The last and finale reason arming teachers with firearms will stop school shootings is that it generally makes the school safer. If a potential shooter knows he goes to a school with armed teachers they will most likely not want to shoot up the school because they know the odds are against them. (Hagin) I also agree with this one because a shooter isn't gonna want to shoot up a school that has teachers with guns just how a robber isn't gonna want to rob a bank that is heavily guarded.