How does social media affect students writing?

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How does social media affect students writing? by Mind Map: How does social media affect students writing?

1. because while you write your grammar sounds like you're having a conversation with another.

2. because it helps students open up and will practice more of writing

3. improving your writing skills takes practice. Become a consumer of good writing and communications that you hope to emulate. Write more often than required to practice (White)

3.1. this makes me think of "practice makes perfect".

4. on Facebook, twitter students humiliate one another, they engage criminal behavior leaving racist comments, harassing classmates with derogatory posts, social media is a bad neighborhood (Simmons).

4.1. from reading the article i think this matters because Facebook and twitter is used as cyber bullying but that is just teenagers being teenagers.

5. Social media helps student writing

5.1. We need to pay more attention because we right so much so often our words can reach more people in via emails, text messages, and social media (white).

5.1.1. even popular students post statuses in which they express insecurities, Facebook and other sites can encourage a healthier candor, too (Simmons). i think this relates to the viewpoint most because most students that are depressed temp to be emotional on social media and open up more.

5.2. According to Simmons, writing has mostly improved in boys especially at emotional writing but it has not improved in writing conventions (Simmons).

5.2.1. know how best to reach your audiences before begin writing, put your audiences first (White). this makes me think of speeches given in front of an audience, you have this paper and you read it and as you're writing pretend you're talking to a person.

6. because it gives the students shortcuts and they get lazy, which messes up their grammar and spelling on a piece of paper

7. because of the confusion between informational texting and social media posts.

8. SMS is affecting students writing in a bad way that it most of the time spells English words wrong ("Social Media").

9. Future formatting is threatened because the social media apps lack of obliterated punctuation, capitalization and apostrophes (Campbell).

10. The recent intrusion of mobile phones on youths, given the vulnerability ones to exploit something new, took the parents attention on some of these things (¨social media¨).

10.1. this makes me think about when some boys posted a fight on social media and it went viral, the parents were embarrassed, also the boys got in some big trouble.

11. in the shortest amount of time students need to be enrolled into a good and high school because of provision of learning materials (¨Social media¨)

11.1. i think this connect to the viewpoint because some schools don't teach the importance of knowing how to spell and write proper grammar.

12. Sentell began emphasizing ¨code switching¨ after noticing the rise in texting language and grammar, some students have a hard time switching between informal codes of texting and social media (Campbell).

12.1. i think this matters because i agree that students struggle with switching back and forth between informal texting and social media texting.

13. A prospective employer has asked people to sit and write something longhand, spell check and grammar software exist but students still need to know (Campbell).

13.1. from reading the rest of the article i think this means that some people can write something longhand with the spell check and auto grammar and some can't.

14. Social media wrecks students writing