The Emperor's New Clothes

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The Emperor's New Clothes by Mind Map: The Emperor's New Clothes

1. self-observed

1.1. looks are important to him

1.2. vain

1.2.1. snobby

1.2.2. likes popularity

2. Afraid of telling the truth

3. Naive

4. Pretending

5. learners

6. goes with the show until the end

7. wants to distinguish clever from stupid people

8. materialist

8.1. trendy

8.2. posh

8.3. has a coat for each hour

9. careless of others

10. Goals

10.1. Fame

10.2. Status

10.3. Profit

11. The Father

12. The Child

13. Two Swindlers

13.1. Temper

13.1.1. New node

13.1.2. Calm

13.2. Behaviour

13.2.1. Hypocritical

13.2.2. Gentle

13.3. Personality

13.3.1. Opportunist

13.3.2. Manipulators

13.3.3. New node

13.3.4. New node

14. The Old Honest Minister

14.1. Lier

14.2. Dishonest

14.3. Stupid

15. The Emperor

15.1. naive

15.1.1. easy to be fooled

15.1.2. lacks self-confidence

15.1.3. trusts everyone

15.2. curious

15.2.1. wonders about the new clothes

15.3. dignified

15.3.1. stands up high

16. The People in the Street

16.1. dependent

16.1.1. calculating obedient used to praise and admire pretending respect servants with non-critical feedback safety first

16.1.2. changing their minds

16.2. naive

16.2.1. victims of crowd psychosis

16.2.2. copying attitudes

16.2.3. taking opinions of others