Are School Dress Codes beneficial in school environments?

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Are School Dress Codes beneficial in school environments? by Mind Map: Are School Dress Codes beneficial in school environments?

1. Because dress codes are necessary in our schools, just as they are essential in the adult world for which students are preparing.

2. Because a survey of schools nationwide conducted by the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) revealed that one out of five (21 percent) public, private and parochial school principles had either instigated a uniform policy.

3. In one article the author states, In schools, in businesses, and on sports teams, dress codes promote professionalism, establish identity, and create a sense of community(Buggs).

3.1. William Buggs, an expert, states, "What you wear communicates something about you and the institution, team, or business you represent"(Buggs).

3.1.1. This quote makes me think what do I communicate with what I wear.

3.2. When explaining school distractions, William Buggs claims, "Schools with more-relaxed dress codes may simply ban clothing with inappropriate slogans or offensive symbols, which can create distractions for other students"(Buggs).

3.2.1. This quote means clothing can be a distraction by being, offensive or inappropriate symbols.

4. In an arguing article, a writer states, schools that are adopting uniforms and dress codes is to address the issues of discipline and academic achievement(Daniels).

4.1. While mentioning other benefits of school uniforms and dress codes, Stephen Daniels commented that,"Schools with uniforms say that their students have better self-esteem because without the name brand clothing on display, the students are placed on an equal level"(Daniels).

4.1.1. This quote makes me think, about poorer students and do they feel like they are not treated as inferior because they don't have nice clothes.

4.2. Stephen Daniels defends school safety and claims, "Clothing that indicates affiliation with gangs is also a problem and can cause intimidation and fear in schools"(Daniels).

4.2.1. This quote is important because it shows that gang affiliation is a problem, and clothing can be associated with gangs.

5. school dress codes are beneficial in school environments

6. Because they go back to the me-devil times of kings, queens and government councils routinely proscribed all manner of attire, with special attention to prohibiting people of “mean condition” from certain styles.

7. Because a report of 2007 on the sexualization of girlhood, the American Psychological Association linked self-objectification to poor self-esteem, depression, body dissatisfaction and compromised cognitive function.

8. We should not politicize against poofy hairdos, the message on a bracelet, or the fabric of a child's pants, instead we should utilize our energies towards preparing our kids to become independent thinkers(Robson).

8.1. Ruthan Robson, an author of several books, declared, "Dress codes may seek to foster an educational environment, but their very existence can divert attention from substantive learning by fetishizing the number of inches between the hem of a skirt and the top of a knee¨(Robson).

8.1.1. This quote matters because she is emphasizing the need of everyone not focusing on dress codes, for it is creating fetishes.

8.2. Ruthan Robson, a professor at the City University of New York School of Law, , claims, "The wrong choice [of dress] could get you kicked out of class or suspended; and if you want to fight for your right to a hoodie or a short skirt, you and your parents may have to file suit and head for court¨(Robson).

8.2.1. This quote makes me think how many students and parents have gone to the court because of dress codes.

9. The authors state we should not tell girls to "cover up" and imply their bodies are "inappropriate" or "violable"(Oreinstein).

9.1. When speaking about the "canny" girls on twitter with the hashtag "#YesAllWomen" scolding their elders with the phrase "Don't tell us what to wear; teach the boys not to stare.'', Peggy Oreinstein voices, “They are correct: Addressing leering or harassment will challenge young men’s assumptions, while imposing purdah on middle school girls does the opposite”(Oreinstein).

9.1.1. This quote means, instead of imposing that girls should stay out of the sight of men or strangers, we should confront the problem of leering or harassment.

9.2. Peggy Oreinstein, a contributing writer to The New York Times Magazine and the author of several books, states, "Even so, while women are not responsible for male misbehavior, and while no amount of dress (or undress) will avert catcalls, cultural change can be glacial...¨(Oreinstein).

9.2.1. This quote matters because it shows that she is a believer of "girls not responsible for what male's think".

10. school dress codes are not beneficial in school environments