Education and Socioeconomic Status

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Education and Socioeconomic Status by Mind Map: Education and Socioeconomic Status

1. Scope

1.1. Specific to the U.S. education system

1.2. Within the last ten years

1.3. Generational individuals?

2. Trends

2.1. Based on how much education has been completed (high school, college [what type of degree])

2.2. View education and socioeconomic status as separate

2.2.1. Socioeconomic status affects health, job opportunities, resource distribution

2.2.2. Developing academic skills more slowly in low-socioeconomic households

2.2.3. Socioeconomic status can correlate with good parenting

3. Causes and other contributing factors

3.1. Money

3.2. Race/ethnicity

3.3. Social class

3.4. Marriage or children

4. Recommended preventive measures

4.1. Teacher training

4.2. Focus on basic skill development

4.3. Student evaluation

5. Conclusion

5.1. Idea for improving the system, especially those in low socioeconomic standing

6. Introduction

6.1. Mention cost of education

6.2. Belief that individuals from low-socioeconomic standing do not have a high level of education

7. Prevalence

7.1. Specifically on youth

7.2. Across all races/ethnicities

8. Controversies

8.1. Generational status (first generation vs. non-first generation)

8.2. Gender division

9. Potential Solutions

9.1. U.S. Department of Education

9.2. Equal Opportunity

9.3. Scholarships/grants

9.4. Fee waivers