Physical Education

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Physical Education por Mind Map: Physical Education

1. Volleyball

1.1. Learned How to...

1.1.1. Serve

1.1.2. Bump

1.1.3. Set

1.1.4. Play a Game!

1.2. Joined the Team

2. Hockey

2.1. Contact Sport

2.2. Passing

2.3. Fouls

2.4. Playing Games

3. Swimming

3.1. Strokes

3.1.1. Freestyle

3.1.2. Breast

3.1.3. Back

3.1.4. Etc.

3.2. Games

3.3. Techniques

3.3.1. New

3.3.2. Improving

4. Soccer

4.1. Passing

4.2. Shooting

4.3. Dribbling

4.4. Controlling the Ball

4.5. Played Games!

4.6. Joined the Team

5. Health

5.1. Muscles

5.1.1. Names

5.1.2. Stretches

5.2. Names of Different Activities

5.3. Exercises & Stretching

5.4. Benefits of Exercise

5.5. Cardiovascular, Endurance, etc...

6. Teacher

6.1. Ms. Park

7. Track & Field

7.1. Track

7.1.1. Running

7.1.2. Races

7.1.3. Endurance Tests

7.2. Field

7.2.1. Shotput

7.2.2. Discus

7.2.3. Long Jump

7.2.4. High Jump

7.2.5. Etc.

8. Badminton

8.1. Passing

8.2. Techniques

8.3. Serving

8.4. Getting Familiar with the Court

9. BasketBall

9.1. Learned how to...

9.1.1. Pass

9.1.2. Dribble

9.1.3. Shoot