Student Assessments

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Student Assessments by Mind Map: Student Assessments

1. Summative

1.1. Summative assessments are an assessment completed at the end of a unit or period of learning.

1.2. Teachers use summative assessments to measure student achievement over a specified unit of material. It is used to measure what students do and do not know.

1.3. Advantages: help evaluate the effectiveness of programs and alignment of curriculum. Also help with student placement in specific programs.

1.4. Disadvantages: Does not allow for instructional changes or interventions within the timeline of learning the material.

1.5. Summative Assessments are assessments OF learning. They take place after the material has been learned and are an evaluation of what has been learned over time.

1.6. Example: End of the unit chapter test

1.7. Garrison, C., & Ehringhaus, M. (n.d.). Formative and Summative Assessments in the Classroom. Retrieved February 13, 2018, from

2. Performance Based

2.1. Performance Based Assessment takes the idea that students complete projects with real life applications rather than answering a series of questions for accuracy.

2.2. Teachers can use performance based assessments to analyze students ability to think wider than a set of skills and utilize other concepts. It allows differentiaition of different learning abilities and styles.

2.3. Advantages: Students are more responsible for the demonstration of their learning, able to demonstrate correlations between concepts taught throughout the class, forces students to put their learning into something that can be understood and explained

2.4. Disadvantages: Difficult to implement in a large class setting, timing and cost can be an issue

2.5. Performance Based Assessments are assessments FOR and OF learning. Students are learning while completing the assessment. The end result tells what the student has learned throughout the project.

2.6. Example: Creating a project to demonstrate learning: Interactive family tree with relative voiceovers.


2.8. Performance Based Assessment. (n.d.). Retrieved February 13, 2018, from

3. High Stakes

3.1. A high-stakes test is a test used to make decisions and changes for the purpose of accountability.

3.2. High stakes assessments are assessments that have some kind of reward or consequence attached. For example, they may measure teacher effectiveness or decide whether or not a student will graduate. Group scores are published, but individual scores are kept private. Scores may help determine whether a school is underperforming or not.

3.3. Advantages: Holds teachers accountable to all students learning, motivates students to work harder and take tests seriously, establishes high expectations for teachers and students, reviews areas that need reform

3.4. High Stakes Assessment is an assessment OF learning. It measures what students should already know.

3.5. Example: ACT, SAT

3.6. Partnership, G. S. (2014, August 18). High-Stakes Test Definition. Retrieved February 13, 2018, from

4. Authentic

4.1. Authentic assessment is an assessment where students are asked to complete real world tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge and skills.

4.2. An authentic assessment has a task or job that students need to perform. They are evaluated through the use of a rubric.

4.3. Advantages: helps students see themselves as active participants, encourages teachers to find relevance in their teaching, offer direct evidence of application, focuses on the learning process, uses high-level thinking skills.

4.4. Disadvantages: difficulty of ensuring test validity, informal development of rubrics and subjective grading

4.5. Authentic Assessment is an assessment OF and FOR learning. The assessment in and of itself is a learning project. The OF learning comes to play with the end result and rubric.

4.6. Example: Planning a shopping trip or vacation on a budget

4.7. Mueller, J. (n.d.). What Are the Advantages of Authentic Assessment Over Standardized Testing? Retrieved February 13, 2018, from

4.8. What Are the Advantages of Authentic Assessment Over Standardized Testing? (n.d.). Retrieved February 13, 2018, from

5. Peer Assessment

5.1. Peer assessment is when peers evaluate the work of another classmate.

5.2. Peers often self reflect in the process of evaluating their classmate. They use this reflection to improve their own and their peer's work.

5.3. Advantages: Engages students in the learning process, promotes a sense of fairness, encourages working cooperatively and thinking critically , teaches constructive feedback and learning from critical appraisal, develops interpersonal skills

5.4. Disadvantages: Students may not seriously engage, students may be reluctant to criticize a peer, peers tend to give higher marks than tutors, unless carefully prepared can undermine the effects of collaboration

5.5. Peer Assessment is an assessment FOR learning. Students are able to self reflect to help themselves and their peers to create a higher level work.

5.6. Example: Three stars and a wish (Students provide three positive comments, and one area to improve)

5.7. What Are the Advantages of Authentic Assessment Over Standardized Testing? (n.d.). Retrieved February 13, 2018, from

6. Diagnostic

6.1. Diagnostic assessments are used to gauge student prior knowledge through the use of a pre test.

6.2. Diagnostic assessments provide a baseline for teachers so that they know what the student already has learned, and provides a baseline for the level of knowledge acquired at the end of the unit. It also allows teachers to know of any misconceptions prior to a unit.

6.3. Advantages: Advantages: -Establishes a baseline for the class -Allows for better differentiation plans for the students -Provides a frame of reference for later assessments

6.4. Disadvantage: -It may cause an educator to make incorrect inferences about a child's ability level

6.5. Diagnostic Assessments are assessments FOR learning. They allow teachers to build on what a student already knows, and allows for student differentiation during the unit.

6.6. Example: Unit pretest

6.7. Diagnostic and Formative Assessment. (2017, April 07). Retrieved February 13, 2018, from

7. Formative

7.1. Formative assessments allow teachers to check for understanding throughout a lesson, rather than waiting until the end of a lesson to assess student learning

7.2. Formative Assessments are used to help teachers know where their students are in learning. This allows teachers to engage in differentiation and know if students are ahead or behind in content.

7.3. Advantages: Not graded so no student anxiety, teachers can detect and assist with difficulties early on, less reteaching

7.4. Disadvantages: Takes time during the lessons, many teachers do not know how to implement results, teachers can begin to rush and students may lack mastery, students may take less care on formative assessments causing a misread of information

7.5. Formative Assessment is an assessment FOR learning. It provides teacher feedback to guide student learning to the end goal.

7.6. Example: Two Roses and a Thorn: students write down two facts and a question they still have about the material.

7.7. Sasser, N. (2017, September 26). What Are the Advantages & Disadvantages of Formative Assessment? Retrieved February 8, 2018, from

8. Portfolio

8.1. Portfolio assessments are a gathering of meaningful student assignments demonstrating growth

8.2. Portfolio assessments are used to show growth, to showcase current abilities, and to evaluate cumulative achievement

8.3. Advantages: shows a comprehensive summary of student performance, can highlight student strengths and weaknesses, heightened collaboration between teachers and students

8.4. Disadvantages: Needs more time for preparation, more time to complete, are very personal so it is difficult to objectively assess.

8.5. Portfolio assessments are an assessment OF learning. They are a collection of student work and learning to demonstrate growth over time.

8.6. Examples: Growth, Showcase, and Evaluation Portfolios. Growth focus on how the student has grown over time, showcase is demonstrate best work, and evaluation is used for assessment.

8.7. Mueller, J. (n.d.). Authentic Assessment Toolbox. Retrieved February 13, 2018, from

8.8. The Pros and Cons of Assessing Students through Portfolios. (n.d.). Retrieved February 13, 2018, from

9. Self Assessment

9.1. Self Assessment is where students evaluate their own work and learning

9.2. Self assessment allows teacher to see how a student is feeling about a given material. It also allows for students to track their own progress and develop realistic goals for continued growth.

9.3. Advantages: Students have the ability to self evaluate, allowing them to track their own progress, students can set realistic goals, students are involved and motivated in their learning, gives students a sense of responsibility

9.4. Disadvantages: Students may not be subjective in evaluation, students may not know how to self evaluate, students may not understand the criterion for evaluation

9.5. Self Assessment is both an assessment OF and FOR learning. Students are evaluating how well them have learned or progressed in an area, but they can also use that assessment to continue down a learning path and setting goals for further learning

9.6. Examples: Rating learning on a scale 1-5, one being that not comprehending well, five being that you are an expert on the topic

9.7. Student Self-Assessment. (n.d.). Retrieved February 13, 2018, from