06/29 - Victorian Professional Code of Conduct

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06/29 - Victorian Professional Code of Conduct by Mind Map: 06/29 - Victorian Professional Code of Conduct

1. Purpose

1.1. Is not a disciplinary tool

1.2. Used to assist teachers to make better decisions

2. Professional Relationships

2.1. Gift Giving

2.1.1. Parents to teachers

2.1.2. Teachers to students

2.2. Communication issues

2.2.1. What is said at school stays at school

3. Resources

3.1. Victorian Teaching Professional Code of Conduct

3.1.1. Document

3.2. Jan Sherry

3.2.1. [email protected]

4. Other Jobs

4.1. You need to get permission to do other work including tutoring

5. Social media

5.1. 2 Times you can use it

5.1.1. Within the official school context School blog podcasting

5.1.2. Personal Be judicious about what you publish