How others may perceive a teen mum

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How others may perceive a teen mum by Mind Map: How others may perceive a teen mum

1. family approval

1.1. support with purchasing baby items

1.2. celebration of new family addition

1.3. support for the mother- comfort, physical and mental health

2. community approval

2.1. support in decision to keep or abort the child

2.2. helping by gifting useful baby items e.g. clothes, bottles, soaps

2.3. keeping opinions to themsleves

3. friendship approval

3.1. support of decisions to keep or abort the child

3.2. defending the mother when people dissaprove

3.3. be present in times of need for support and comfort

4. costs/ financial comfort

4.1. stress of lack of financial independence

4.2. not being able to afford baby items e.g. clothes, bottles and blankets

4.3. balancing wants and needs

5. friendship dissaproval

5.1. loss of friendships

5.2. bullying/ teasing

5.3. lack of support

5.4. pressure to abort

6. family dissaproval

6.1. lack of support/ help

6.2. dissownment

6.3. forced to keep baby due to religious beliefs

7. community dissaproval

7.1. judgement/ gossip/ talking behind back

7.2. disapproval/ trying to tell you how to raise child

7.3. pressure to abort / to keep baby