What is the relationship between bullying and suicide?

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What is the relationship between bullying and suicide? by Mind Map: What is the relationship between bullying and suicide?

1. Bullying does not directly lead to suicide.

1.1. Suicide is not caused by bullying. Bullying can make people stressed out, which can make mental health problems worse, but bullying itself does not cause people to kill themselves ("School Bullying").

1.1.1. "We know that most youth who are involved in bullying do NOT engage in suicide-related behavior" ("School Bullying"). This quote shows that bullying cannot directly cause suicide. If a large percentage of children bully each other on social media and in real life, and only a small number of children attempt suicide, then bullying cannot be the one big cause of suicide.

1.1.2. "In the case of drowning deaths among children, those who are not directly supervised by a competent adult while swimming are more likely to die by drowning than those children who are directly supervised. While the lack of adult supervision does not directly cause a child to drown, it is a critical circumstance that can affect the outcome of the situation" ("School Bullying"). This shows that while two events may be related, one does not necessarily cause the other.

1.2. Because while large numbers of children report engaging in bullying behavior, only a tiny number of these attempt suicide.

2. Bullying causes suicide.

2.1. This article argues that teens who bully are committing a crime which can directly lead to a child committing suicide, and that it needs to be treated like the serious crime that it is (Ollove).

2.1.1. Ollove claims that "victims, by virtue of their age, aren't often equipped to let the impact of these incidents roll off their shoulders" (Ollove). This means that victims of bullying are more likely to commit suicide and are often unable to let things go because they have not ever experienced anything like this.

2.1.2. Ollove also says that "studies show that bullying often causes depression, further isolation, absenteeism, an aversion to risk-taking, and poor academic performance," and that "most of the time, the victim can't handle the problem without help" (Ollove). This means that scientific evidence proves that bullying can cause depression and can make problems someone already has worse. This also shows that victims of bullying are often stuck and can't move further in life without help.

2.2. Because bullying causes depression which in turn leads to suicide.