Mandatory Overtime in Nursing

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Mandatory Overtime in Nursing by Mind Map: Mandatory Overtime in Nursing

1. Legal Issues

1.1. More than 8-12 hours a day

1.1.1. Over 40 hours a week

1.1.2. Over 80 hours every 14 days

1.2. Pay

1.2.1. Is employee making time and a half Yes Payroll employee No Temporarily employed

1.3. Does your state acknowledge mandatory overtime? (Every state is different)

1.3.1. Yes

1.3.2. No

2. Concsequences

2.1. Personal life affected

2.1.1. Home life

2.1.2. Relationships with family and loved ones

2.2. Employees safety

2.2.1. Increase risk of needle sticks

2.2.2. Increase risk of Musculoskeletal injury

2.2.3. Car accident

2.3. Positive consequences

2.3.1. Increase in funds

2.3.2. Travel nurses can work more

2.4. Nurse burnout from too much mandatory overtime

2.4.1. Leads to patient dissatisfaction

2.4.2. Intentions to leave job

3. Health Issues

3.1. Weight complications

3.1.1. Increase in weight

3.1.2. Decrease in weight

3.2. Poor sleep quality

3.2.1. Insomnia

3.2.2. Over sleeping

3.3. Fatigue

3.3.1. Chronic

3.3.2. Acute

3.4. Change in mood

3.4.1. Upset due to being tired

3.4.2. Disgruntled from mandatory overtime

3.5. Pain and body aches

3.5.1. Chronic

3.5.2. Acute

4. Patient Safety and Abondonment

4.1. Impaired vigilance

4.1.1. Not in the right state of mind to make decision for the patient.

4.1.2. Cloudy thought processes

4.1.3. Longer reaction time

4.2. Lack of alertness

4.2.1. Medication error

4.2.2. Not in the right state of mind

4.2.3. Not aware of surroundings Causing employee to bump into things causing bruising.

4.3. No nurse to take care of patient

4.3.1. Shortage of nurses

4.3.2. Influx of patients

4.3.3. Employee sick call ins