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Biofilm by Mind Map: Biofilm

1. Early

1.1. 4-7 days

1.2. Bactera

1.2.1. Cocci, rods, filaments and fusbacteria

1.2.2. Early lesion

1.2.3. Both gram negative and positive present, but more negative

1.2.4. Pophyromonas gigivalis and Capnocytophaga gingivalis, Actinomyces israelii

1.2.5. Anaerobic

1.3. Histological Changes

1.3.1. Continuation of initial lesion

1.3.2. Chronic Inflmmatory cells

1.3.3. Ulceration of sulcular epithelium

1.3.4. Destruction of CT fibers

1.4. Clinical Changes

1.4.1. BOP

1.4.2. Swelling

1.4.3. Redness

1.4.4. Loss of tissue tone

1.5. Tissue

1.5.1. Red

1.5.2. Swelling

1.5.3. BOP

2. Establish

2.1. 14+ days

2.2. Bacteria

2.3. Clinical Changes

2.3.1. Gingival Pockets

2.3.2. Cyanosis may occur

2.3.3. Moderate to severe inflammation

2.3.4. Changes in consistency

2.4. Histological Changes

2.4.1. Chronic Inflammation

2.4.2. Elongated rete pegs in SE

2.4.3. Breakdown of collagen

2.5. Tissue

2.5.1. Cyanosis

2.5.2. Moderate to severe inflammation

3. Health

3.1. 1-2 days

3.2. Histological Changes

3.2.1. Bacteria adhere to tooth, film coating

3.3. Clinical Changes

3.4. Tissue

3.4.1. No changes

3.5. bacteria

3.5.1. cocci bacteria adhere to tooth Aerobic

3.5.2. Streptococcus sanguis, actinomyces visosus

4. Advanced

4.1. Depends on host response

4.2. Bacteria

4.2.1. P. gingivalis, T forsythensis, T denticola

4.3. Histological Changes

4.3.1. Bone Resorption

4.3.2. Changes in established lesion

4.3.3. Inflammation extends into CT attachment and bone

4.3.4. Repair manifests as fibrotic tissue

4.4. Clinical Changes

4.4.1. Periodontal pockets

4.4.2. Attachment loss

4.4.3. Bone destruction

4.4.4. Periods of exacerbation & very little activity

4.5. Tisue

4.5.1. Loss of tissue and bone

5. Initial

5.1. 2- 4 days

5.2. Histologic changes

5.2.1. Immediate Vasoconstriction, vasodialation, margination, diapedisis

5.2.2. Increase in cervicular Fluid

5.3. Clinical Changes

5.3.1. None

5.4. Tissue

5.4.1. Normal

5.5. Bacteria

5.5.1. Streptococcus sanguis, Actinomyces vicosus

5.5.2. Aerobic

5.5.3. Cocci