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Light by Mind Map: Light

1. What are some sources of light?

1.1. Man-made

1.1.1. Light bulbs

1.1.2. lasers

1.1.3. Desk lamp

1.1.4. Fireworks

1.2. Natural

1.2.1. Sun

1.2.2. Stars

1.2.3. Lightning

2. What are some properties of light?

2.1. Light is energy.

2.2. Light travels in a straight line.

2.3. Light is made out of the colours of the rainbow.

2.4. Light can change direction.

2.5. When light bounces on something, it reflects back into our eyes.

3. What are some uses of light?

3.1. helps us to see

3.2. help the plants make food

4. Why is light important to us?

4.1. Light enables us to see.

4.2. Light helps the plants to grow.

4.3. Light can give us warmth.