Media in Context of Global and Local

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Media in Context of Global and Local by Mind Map: Media in Context of Global and Local

1. Topic 1: Media Globalization

2. Media consodilation

3. Oligoply

4. Monopolies

5. Commercial Functions

6. Entertainment Functions

7. Social Norm Functions

8. Life-Changing Functions

9. Control of Media and Technology

10. Technological Social Control and Digital Surveillance

11. Feminist Perspective

12. Semi-peripheral nations

13. Social Construction of Reality

14. Social Networking and Social Construction

15. Topic 3: Theoretical Perspectives on Media and Technology

16. Functionalism Perspective

17. Critical/Conflict Perspective

18. Symbolic Interactionist Perspective

19. Topic 9: International Organizations governing Global Media

20. International Telecommunications Union

21. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

22. The European Union

23. Unit 9 Discussion

24. Topic 4: Theoretical Perspective on Media and Technology: Functionalist Perspective

25. Topic 5: Theoretical Perspective on Media and Technology: Symbolic Interactionist

26. Topic 6: Theoretical Perspective on Media and Technology: Symbolic Interactionist

27. Topic 2: Technological Globalization

28. Technological diffusion

29. Peripheral nations

30. Topic 7: Global Media Conglomerates

31. The New York Times

32. Bertelsmann

33. The Walt Disney Corporation

34. Merger Strategies

35. Global Media Conglomerates

36. International Merger : Public Broadcasting Service: Media Giants

37. Marketing on Universality - Web Media: PBS - Merchants of Cool

38. Major Concern: Colonizing Our Culture

39. Public Broadcasting Service: Interview with Robert McChesney

40. Topic 8: Media System Around The World

41. North America Media Systems

42. European Media Systems: Hallin & Mancini's Models

43. Media System of Asia and the South Pacific

44. Latin America Media Systems

45. Middle Easter Media Systems

46. African Media Systems

47. Topic 10: Malaysian Media System

48. Malaysian Media Conglomerates and their owners/ stakeholders

49. Influential Media Organizations and Media Producers

50. Popular Media Outlets/Media Products

51. New Developments in Media Industry, Including social media