The political dimension of globalization

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The political dimension of globalization by Mind Map: The political dimension of globalization

1. Political globalization and global Governance

1.1. Municipal level

1.1.1. Growth policy initiatives

1.1.2. Transborder links

1.2. Regional level

1.2.1. Multilateral organizations

1.2.2. Agreements

1.3. Global level

1.3.1. International organizations

1.3.2. Global civil society

2. Modern Nation-State

2.1. 17th century

2.2. centralization of power

2.3. Diplomacy

2.4. Monopolization of means

3. Grew in the 70s

4. Demise of the Nation-State?

4.1. Irrelevant territorial division

4.2. Future

4.2.1. Production

4.2.2. Exchage

4.3. Modern nation

4.4. Post Modern