Different types of training

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Different types of training by Mind Map: Different types of training

1. 3. Off-the job training

1.1. Off-job training is when the worker goes away from the place they work it can have more complex tasks. It might include computer simulations or class learning

1.1.1. Advantages of this are: a lot of skills can be shown this way. Its cheaper for the business. The employee might learn multiskills.

1.1.2. The disadvantages are: The cost are high for the courses. The employee will have good qualifications and might search for a better job. No work is done but wages are paid.

2. 1. Induction training

2.1. Induction training is when a new employee is hired and shown around the workplace and introduced to the other employees. They also get also show the safety and health parts of the building where to go when there is a fire, etc.

2.1.1. Advantages of this are: It helps a new employee to get settled quick and they are less likely to make mistakes. Its also good to give health and safety training at the beginning of the job.

2.1.2. Disadvantages of this are: Its a delay of the job because wages are getting paid while giving the training so its time consuming.

3. 2. On-the job training

3.1. On-job training is when a unskilled or no experienced employee watches a experienced employee and see what he does. They are shown what to do.

3.1.1. Advantages of this are that it cost less than off-job training. There is some production of the worker while they are watching.

3.1.2. Disadvantages of this are that the trainer has bad habits and pass them on to the trainee.The trainer will not be as productive as usual because they are showing the trainee what to do instead of getting on with their own job.