Michelle Obama

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Michelle Obama por Mind Map: Michelle Obama

1. Childhood

1.1. Born as Michelle LeVaughn Robinson, she was born on January 17, 1964.

1.1.1. She was born in the city of Chicago, Illinois. Her father was city water plant employee and her mother was a secretary at Spiegel's Catalog Store. Her family roots are traced back to Pre-Civil War African Americans in the Southern Region of America. She graduated from Whitney Young High School, a magnet school in Chicago, she became salutatorian of her class in 1981.

2. Education

2.1. Michelle Obama wanted to follow in her brother's footsteps and decided to attend Princeton University.

2.1.1. For the first time in her life she was made more aware of her ethnicity and felt like a visitor on campus. Watch this video to get more of an understanding of what her college life was like. Michelle Obama went on to graduate from Princeton University in 1985. Then she went on to earn a Juris Doctor from Harvard University in 1988. She is the third First Lady with a postgraduate degree.

3. Career

3.1. Following her law degree she started working at the law firm Sidney & Austin, where she met her future husband.

3.1.1. In 1991 she started working for the city of Chicago as an assistant to the mayor and Assistant Commissioner of Planning and Development. In 1996 she started working for the University of Chicago first as the Associate Dean of Student Services and then working with the University of Chicago Hospitals. Finally she became the First Lady of The United States in 2008 and then when Obama was reelected in 2012.